~:Chapter 22:~

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The boy sat looking at the monitor. It was unfortunate a few had to die before the actual test started, but oh well. Seven was still a sizeable amount. He crossed his arms, rolled out the kink in his neck, and reached for the microphone. His gloved hand wrapped around it and pulled it closer to himself. 

He cleared his throat, which soon turned into a coughing fit, feeling slime emerge from his throat. This time, however, it tasted less like blood. He sighed, lifting off his mask, grasping at the tissue, and spitting into it. He folded it open, looking at the contents. He sighed, looking at the chunks of blood amongst the slime. At least, this time, it was a lot less than before.

He sighed again, turning back to the monitor and rolling his eyes at the sight of the two boys held back, trying to reach each other to fight again, both in his class. Both were, of course, insufferable. He slipped his face mask back on, of course, and a smile stretched across his face as he traced his finger on the button of the microphone, waiting for the perfect moment to start.

"How fun..." He whispered. Of course, it was for science, but who said science couldn't be fun? He reached to the slide, flicking on a switch. The monitor flickered a bit before glowing brighter. He watched as his subjects looked around, confused and fearful. Even the two who had been at each other's throats the entire time seemed to pause, taking their mind off the brawl. He smiled at this.

Let the game begin.

* * *

"This doors' locked!" Mikey shouted from across the room, giving the handle a slight tug and releasing as the door resisted his pull.

"Let me," Adam said, pushing her out of the way. He wrapped his hands around the handle and tugged on it, jiggling the door as a loud banging noise filled their room. It barely budged. Instead, it stayed fully closed. He sighed, stepping back as he rubbed the back of his head with his hands.

"So helpful." Claire groaned from the corner of the room. She sat next to Brent, who leaned up against the wall, his face bloodied with numerous wounds. She patted them with a tissue, staining it with crimson as he winced in pain. She apologized quietly before continuing to clean the wounds. He winced in pain once more, and the cycle continued. Yuki was glad both of them had dropped their weapons in the chaos. She wasn't sure how many weapon-based wounds either of them could sustain. Hell, it was surprising enough that the two were still standing. She figured it must've been the adrenaline. 

"No problem," Adam responded, causing her to roll her eyes in response. Brent attempted to stand up, but Claire prevented it with a gentle hand on the arm. He looked at her, and she shook her head. Adam saw the entire scene and snickered to himself, yet, he decided to stay silent. Which genuinely surprised Yuki. She had expected him to make some comment or something to instigate the situation. Her best bet was that he didn't want to fight; the two looked pretty beat up.

"What the fuck was that!?! Were we not just chased by a... I don't know? Fart cloud?" Zach asked, placing his face in his hands as he sat on the large metal table in the middle of the room. 

"No clue; the last thing we want is any of it to get in here," Yuki said, pressing her weight up against one side of the door while Jake held the other shut. She pressed against it until she heard a loud click; stepping back in surprise, she looked at Jake, who stood around as well and shrugged.

"Looks like it locked."

"Yeah, well... Let's just hope it's airtight." She sighed. Yuki stared at the door for a moment; she had assumed that the gas would've reached it by this point, although she didn't see any gas seeping in yet. Still, that didn't mean much. She frowned, turning around and looking at the others.

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