~Chapter 52:~

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Danielle glanced behind her, glancing back towards Eric as he stood a foot away from her, outstretching his arms to embrace the girl. She, however, had something else in mind. She turned back to him and shoved him away. He stumbled backward, his smile fading away as his face twisted into confusion, watching the girl look down upon him with a frown on her face.


Her body shuddered like a tiny spasm as tiny droplets showered his face. He screamed out in anguish as her legs gave out under her, causing her to topple to the floor at his feet. He stared at her unflinching body, looking up at the girl in the black dress that stood behind him, pointing the gun directly at him. He gulped as he stared at the end of the gun, waiting for what was to come.

Another shot whizzed by, this time from behind him. The girl in front of him immediately jumped over a row of seats to the right of eric, taking cover behind them. Eric took this as his opening and jumped over the row of seats to his left. He laid flat on the floor, his belly against the carpeting of the auditorium. 

Yuki felt herself falling backward as she realized Jake had nearly tackled her, taking her down to the floor with him as soon as shots rang out. Her back hit the ground, almost knocking the wind out of her as she felt the weight of Jake on top of her, almost crushing her. She looked up at him, her face mere inches away from him. Sure, it was uncomfortable, but at least she was alive for now.

Catherine pulled out her gun, firing a shot in the girl's general direction, missing. She grunted in frustration before taking cover behind a chair, keeping the weapon in her hand as another gunshot rang out before she peeked over the chair and fired another one. She wasn't exactly sure what she was aiming at; instead, she hoped that by some miracle, she'd hit the girl.

Claire frantically looked around, looking for anywhere to hide. She quickly ducked down behind the chair at the edge of the row, right next to the wall of the building. Amelia had the same idea, hiding in the chair in the next row.

"S-Shit!" Amelia hissed. "W-What do we do?!" She whispered to Claire.

Claire frantically looked around, her eyes following the wall as gunshots rang out amongst the classical music that played; finally, her eyes stopped on the exit sign above the door about ten rows across the aisle. Claire turned back to Amelia.

"The door! There!"

"S-Shit... We'll never make it," Amelia hissed.

"Crawl!" Claire said. Taking a deep breath, she frantically crawled as fast as she could through the aisle. A shot rang out and hit the wall in front of her, causing her to yelp in fear as dust from the brick floated through the air. Her heart beat wildly as she neared the row of seats; she lunged as she heard another shot fill the air, this time, it was from Catherine. Claire sighed in relief, panting wildly as she sat with her back against the chair. She turned to look at Amelia, who shot her head. From her face alone, Claire could tell Amelia was terrified.

Claire nodded yes.

"Come on!" Claire encouraged her. "You can't stay here!" She hissed. "Adam would've wanted you to escape, Alive." She said, knowing bringing him up was a risk, yet, a risk she had to take. Amelia blankly stared at her in response.

A shot filled the air, making Catherine jump as it hit the chair next to her. Her fingers let go of the gun out of surprise, causing it to land on one of the seats and slip into the large crevice between the seats, hitting the carpeted ground with a soft thud. Immediately, Catherine laid down on the carpet, looking under the chair as she spotted the gun. She scooted closer, reaching her hand under as her fingers clawed at the gun's handle. Her heart dropped when she realized she couldn't get it.

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