~:Chapter 18:~

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Jake tossed a plastic water bottle toward Yuki and a bag of potato chips. She happily tore open the bag seconds after catching it before wolfing it down and chugging the water. She had been on such an adrenaline rush she hadn't realized just how hungry she was.

She looked around the cafeteria, filled with numerous remaining students. Many talked and laughed as if this was just another ordinary day, whereas others quickly got the supplies they needed and left. Yuki kept an observational watch over the cafeteria as she and Jake ate in silence. She made a mental note of anyone of interest which she saw.

Recognizing the circus ring-leader-Esque attire, Yuki watched Zachary, who she had come to realize was the designated class clown, had been crouching in the bushes next to a group of students. Yuki watched as he moved closer and closer to the group, eventually reaching out his hand and taking a weapon one of the students set down, along with numerous other supplies, before he disappeared into the bush, without the students even being aware.

She moved her gaze to somewhere else in the cafeteria, stopping upon Catherine, the girl who always had time to gamble. One of her hands held numerous cards while the other twirled one of her black pigtails. She threw down her cards softly. Immediately, the other player looked defeated. He handed her a mallet, which she took and followed with a graceful bow.

Yuki's nose twitched as she smelled something. It was pungent, a smell that was disgusting yet familiar. Immediately, she knew who it must've been coming from. She turned to the side, glancing at the boy in the purple hoodie a few tables away. She instantly recognized him as soon as she saw the green hair and the lit blunt in his mouth, which he set down to release a puff of smoke out of his mouth.

She had no idea what his name was, yet, she knew of his existence. He was in her main class; half of the time, she questioned if he was still in the class because he'd disappear for days on end. Ms. Owens just ignored him most of the time, like he didn't exist. However, the looming smell of marijuana, which went wherever he went, was always very present on his clothes. She'd only ever seen him wear that purple hoodie. It was unique enough to the point where she'd remember it, specifically the bright purple and green color pallet, along with the two appendages that came off the hood and hung about as low to his behind. They reminded Yuki of elongated ears, often swinging around as he walked.

She couldn't believe him. He was there, smoking marijuana, probably the farthest thing from sober. Then again, she doubted he was ever heavy. Though, on second thought, it probably did take the edge off. Still, she wondered how he managed to make it so far.

Yuki scanned the rest of the lunchroom, noticing the lack of grays. Sure, there were a few here and there, but it was highly unproportional. In her eyes, there were at least three other students for every gray, which Yuki found strange considering how it was almost fifty-fifty by the time the game started. She sighed, realizing what it must've meant.

A loud disturbance caused her to pop out of her thoughts and turn to the left, where she saw Brent, along with his group of jocks, poking a scrawny-looking grey boy and laughing to themselves. Claire stood on the sidelines with her arms crossed, looking unimpressed.

She rolled her eyes at the sight, immediately feeling disgusting when she locked eye contact with Luke, who winked at her from his table before returning to tormenting the gray student. She watched as two of the jocks tossed his backpack back and forth over his head, which he desperately tried jumping up in the air and grabbing, but he didn't have the height nor the jump-power to reach it. Instead, he flailed his arms.

She turned back to Jake, who stared directly at her.

"I saw what he did to you." He said in a low voice. She looked over at him, puzzled about what he was referring to. "The locker room..." He sighed. Yuki gave a slight frown in nodded in silence. Sure, she didn't think of it as a big deal, yet, she still felt uncomfortable and violated, yet, she had more important things to worry about. She had blocked it out of her mind to survive that she hadn't thought about how serious it was.

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