~:Chapter 1:~

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"Are you ready, Yuki?" Yuki's father asked her from behind the steering wheel, looking at her through the mirror, catching her off-guard.

"Sorry, yes." She quietly said, nodding. 

"Well, then, staring into space isn't going to change anything. Out you go." He sighed in response.

"It's her first day. Let her take her time." Her mother responded, placing a hand on his arm.

"Unfortunately, Yuri, I have a job to attend to, meetings to schedule, and I can pay for Yuki's tuition. I can't afford to be late." 

"I get it, fine, I'm ready," Yuki said, not wanting to hear her father say another word and stepping out of the expensive Cadillac with her bag in hand. Her newly bought black shoes tapped against the pavement surrounding the circle drive, and all she could do was stare in awe at sight before her.

"At least close the door!" Yuki's father shouted from behind her, which prompted Yuri to roll her eyes in secrecy as she shut the door behind her.

"The least you could do is say goodbye." Yuki's mother said with a sigh, stepping out of the car and giving Yuki a big hug. 

"She's only going for half a day, Yuri." He called out from behind her, causing her to roll her eyes.

"You remember where to go?" her mother asked her. 

"Yeah, of course," Yuki said. 

"You have everything you need?" Her mother asked another follow-up question.

"Yes, mother," Yuki responded with a hint of annoyance in her voice that her mother was quickly able to pick up on. Her mother frowned in response.

"I'm just worried about sending you off to a new school..." She sighed.

"I know, mother. I'll be fine, I promise." Yuki responded to her. Although it was a bit annoying, she did appreciate her mother's concerns. Hell, she'd be lying if she said she wasn't nervous. 

"Come on; we don't have all day." Her father called from inside the car.

"Just make sure to get to your meeting on time. Make a good first impression." Her mother smiled at her, giving her one more giant hug. Yuki watched as she stepped back into the car and closed the door behind her. Her mother waved at her as the car swiftly drove away, leaving Yuki alone in the circle drive, staring at the large academy.

Her father had told her Winchester Academy was the top government-funded private academy in the country, so she expected it to be massive... but she didn't expect it to be this huge. Numerous silver, red and gold-colored buildings reached towards the sky, all connecting to the main building, adorned with a golden crest of the Winchester logo. All she could do was notice the intricate architectural details as she slowly moved towards the main entrance, passing numerous lampposts decorated with flags of the Winchester logo. 

She stood right before the massive set of double doors and glanced over her shoulder once more, looking at the city's skyline. It was a beautiful sight, but she knew she had places to be. She set down her bag on the ground and rummaged through it, pulling out a small student ID she had received days prior at one of the many orientation meetings and pressed it against a small circular-like digital screen on the side of the door. It turned green, and with a solid click, the door opened wide.

She held her breath as she grasped the door handle and stepped inside, nearly gasping at how luxurious the school's interior was. It was hard to get the concept of just how perfect it was. The golden arches connected the shiny wood floor to the curved ceiling, hanging numerous sparkling diamond lights. At this point, it didn't even look like a school. It seemed more like the interior of a grand, expensive mansion instead of a school. Now, she just needed to find the primary office. She looked around for any kind of sign but couldn't find anything.

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