~:Chapter 30:~

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Yuki stared at the corpse in front of her. Her confusion only led to questions, which led to even more questions. Disgusted by sight, she turned the chair around and pushed it to the opposite side of the room, backing up against the wall as she stared at the back of the chair, which his dangling limbs still visible from the side.

She didn't know how any of this was possible, why he was here, or how he was doing all of this. From what she had heard, he was at least competent, so it didn't make sense for him to be a player. Her only conclusion was that he was part of the game, yet, it didn't make sense. Why was he dead? 

She turned back to the desk, hoping to find an answer to her questions as she sifted through the different papers. These were seemingly jumbled math equations and numerous chemical formulas that Yuki couldn't quite grasp. She tossed them to a side, finally stopping her fingers on what seemed to be a letter.

She picked it up.

Mr. Adkins

Your research has intrigued me, and the potential of using it in future school affairs? I would love to help you expand your analysis. However, your plan of doing so is improbable to be approved by the science team; it takes up too much space, which we don't have available. As the upcoming yearly game is taking place, the science building will be used, along with the entirety of the academy.

The only way to successfully carry out your research and arrange for you to participate in the game, however, do not to worry. You will be granted early access to the science building and have specific sectors roped off for your research. I know this may be a sudden choice to make, and, unfortunately, with the time required for your search, an alternative is that you have minimal time to do so. 

However, I am willing to make arrangements if you choose this path. I have already started discussing with some of the construction students, and many of them agreed to assist in preparation for your experiments. Although unaware of the specific details of your experiments, many of them have already agreed to strict confidentiality.

I expect you to worry about the issue of safety, especially amid the game. However, I can assure you that we can set up a designated safe room for you to carry out experiments. Although you'll be labeled as a player, you won't necessarily be participating in the game itself.

Hopefully, this option works out for you. Please, write back as soon as possible. I am enthralled by your desire to push forward Winchester's use of chemistry in student affairs.

Class President Lane

She read over the note, feeling her gaze focus on the signature at the bottom of the paper. Although the letter was short, only a mere number of paragraphs, she thought that it had so many answers to numerous unanswered questions, yet, she couldn't help but feel fixated on the signature instead of the contents.

"Elle?" She whispered to herself as she glossed over the paper once again. Her eyes scanned the words, carefully written in the form of cursive, like an elegant and gentle writing style. The delicate intricacy of the writing contrasted the message within the actual words, one of which Yuki was having a hard time understanding.

She looked up at the monitors again, many of which were nothing but black screens. The ones that were lit, although blurry, showed images of machinery. Her eyes jumped from screen to screen, staring at each person's different trials. She realized that her trial, which the seven had found themselves in, wasn't the only one. 

She clutched the paper in her hand as she realized the science building was nothing more than a rigged deathtrap used in the name of some sick and twisted chemistry experiment. She figured it was something related to the different chemicals injected into her and her friends. It sent shivers up her spine as she thought about what it did to her, recalling the voices, the hallucinations, and the people that should have been dead. She shook off the faint image of Rebecca as she glanced back at the folded note in her hand.

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