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Charlie stared at himself in the mirror. Ever since returning from the game, he realized he couldn't stop staring at himself, whether in pictures or in his reflection. It wasn't in admiration. Instead, it was confusion. He'd look at all of his features, taking in the sights of his face and clothing, feeling increasingly confused the more he stared. It was like he was searching for an answer in a place where he couldn't find one. In a way, the mirror was like a way into himself. It gave him a calmness to think, strangely enough. 

Although, today was different. It had finally come to him why he felt he was missing being in the game. It wasn't that he had taken a sick pleasure while being surrounded by so much death. Instead, it felt like he had lost something in that game, even after he had gained so much confidence from what he had learned. He realized what he had lost was part of himself. This epiphany made him realize just how much he missed being Claire.

Maybe... he wanted to be Claire full-time?

His eyes widened at the sudden epiphany, but the sound of his mom calling for him in the other room snapped him back into reality.

"Charlie! There's a letter here for you!"

"Charlie..." He whispered to himself before walking out of the room.


"Hmph," Catherine said as she threw down her cards.


"N-No way..."

Once again, Catherine had obtained a large sum of money by winning. As soon as she got out of the game, her gambling kicked into overdrive. Sure, some would call it an addiction, but she was making a significant profit off of it, so was it that bad? 

Yet, no matter how much she won, how many glamorous items she bought, it didn't help. She still felt empty. As much as she tried to bury everything in cash, to buy her way out of the pain, it still hurt her. Cash wouldn't make the nightmares disappear, nor would it end her suffering.

She could feel herself spacing out once more, not taking any sort of enjoyment from her winnings as she sat at the table.

"Ms. Catherine?"

"O-oh?" She was taken out of her daydream by surprise.

"Letter for you." 


Amelia quietly ate at a restaurant alone. Before, she would've laughed at herself for doing something so pathetic. After all, she looked like a total loner. She didn't care; instead, she was too busy focusing on preventing herself from crying again. She didn't want to get anything on the letter she received sitting on her lap, especially not her tears.

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