~:Chapter 39:~

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"Woah! The game has been crazy!"

"Sure has!"

"Our favorite duo Claire and Adam, who I ship, sorry Amelia! Has escaped the science building alive! Poor Jake lost his sweet little Yuki. Yet, they're soon captured and thrown into a jail cell! Oh no!"


"On the other hand, Tyler and Lucas team up with Catherine and Eric on a quest to hunt down Vanessa! Things are starting to get spicy."

"So spicy!"

"Claire is dragged out of the cell after getting into a nasty fight with Adam after she revealed her true intentions and feelings for him! She told him that Amelia was in the game. Yikes! She is taken into a dressing room by a mysterious group of girls, where she meets the group's mother. The mother attempts to make her one of her daughters but is shocked when a weird syringe liquid doesn't work! She flees the room with another daughter while one stands on guard. Luckily, fan-favorite Zach, who was previously brutally tortured for the past few hours, rushes in to save her. Together, the two escape the fine arts building and come across another group of survivors."


"And that's a wrap, folks. Sarah Donis out!"

* * * 

"Zach?" Danielle looked over Claire's shoulder, staring at the boy who came limping over, clutching his side.

"A-Ah, yeah, hey, what's up..." He grunted, holding up his bloodied, bandaged hand in a wave.

"Holy shit. What the hell happened to you?" Danielle looked at him in shock; even Vanessa seemed to be surprised. She stared at his stitched smile, along with lines of dry, crusted blood on his face from the slashes. Her eyes were wide in the sense of shock, along with disgust.


"A-Ariana has Adam?!" Amelia looked at him, then at Claire, her eyes filled with worry.

"Who's Ariana...?" Claire asked. "I just know some crazy woman in a black dress-"

"That's Ariana, sweetie," Vanessa replied.

"Good to know." She said with a sigh.

"She's always been weird. It doesn't surprise me she's gone batshit." Danielle said, tapping her sword against the ground. Zach, the entire time, stared at the blade in awe, which Danielle noticed. "Cool, right?"

"Y-yeah!" Zach replied.

"O-Okay! Can we stop getting off-topic and being so casual about this... my boyfriend is in trouble!" Amelia said.

"So?" Vanessa raised an eyebrow.

"S-So! We have to go rescue him!"

"We?" Zach said. "I... I can't go back... not after what they did to me.... and besides... look at the shape I'm in..."

"Fine," Amelia grunted in frustration. "The rest of us-"

"No," Danielle responded. "Not."

"Why not?"

"He's your boyfriend, not mine. Sorry, but I have more important things to worry about." Danielle said. Amelia could feel her emotions building up in her chest as she looked around at the group that didn't want to help her. She felt her anger rising in her chest, and she tried to scream, force them, and do whatever it was to get them to help her. She needed to save Adam, and desperately. Something which she knew Danielle could relate to.

"Okay? What if it was Eric... you'd want us all to save him, wouldn't you?"

"Don't bring him up." Danielle hissed.

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