~:Chapter 40:~

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Yuki ran through the halls, sweat beading down her forehead as she ran through the twisting hallways. She reached a fork in a road, one hallway splitting off to the left and another to the right. Yuki immediately decided to take the left path, running down the hallway passed endless doors leading to whatever horror it was.

She felt her heart skip a beat as she saw the neon red glow of an exit sign at the end of the hallway, pointing towards just around the corner. She felt herself push herself even harder, pushing through the exhaustion on sheer adrenaline alone as she ran faster, racing towards the end of the hallway.

As her feet hit the ground, pushing her closer and closer to turn, she couldn't get the image of what she had seen out of her mind, only making her go herself run faster.

Ariana, also strangely known as a mother by the many mysterious girls scattered about the theatre section, which sat in the heart of the fine arts building, was peculiarly sweet to Yuki, gaining a sort of attachment to her that Yuki didn't understand at first. Her mannerisms, even how she made Yuki feel, reminded her of a mother. Despite her initial appearance being calm, she had a warmth that made Yuki feel safe. She felt so safe under her watch that she ultimately let her guard down, which was her mistake. She wanted to call herself stupid for not seeing the red flags sooner, but it was just something about Ariana, her scent in particular, that made her feel warm inside like she was under the tender care of a mother. It was strange, something which Yuki didn't understand herself.

Although she cared for her, Ariana had an immense disliking, even a sense of aggression towards any male, which didn't take long for her to make it clear to Yuki. She could hear her calm voice in her head even as she ran.

"Men are nothing good for nothing more than to look at." She whispered to Yuki, who, in response, stayed silent. It wasn't that she necessarily had a standpoint on what she was saying. Instead, she wasn't sure how to respond. So, she sat staring into the vanity mirror while Ariana brushed out her hair, now removed from her pigtails. 

"Don't you think so, dear?"

"I... I'm not sure." Yuki hesitated before responding. Ariana quietly laughed at this.

"You aren't sure? You must have an opinion on something such as this." Ariana whispered to her as she dragged the brush through her tangled hair, causing Yuki to wince at the pain. "Sorry, darling." Ariana quickly muttered. 

"I..." Yuki hesitated, watching as Ariana looked into the mirror to stare at her. "I guess you're right." 

"Hm... Not confident yet, but I'm sure we'll get there. Perhaps you're just puzzled by the concept..." Ariana said. "Don't be ashamed, darling; I'll help you see the world's truth." She said with a warm smile, one of which didn't match the coldness of her voice.

She stepped around the side of Yuki, placing down the brush on the vanity as she reached out her hand. Yuki stared at it for a moment in sheer confusion as she looked up at the girl's pale complexion, warmly smiling.

"Come, my daughter. Let me show you the beauty of the world I wish to create." She whispered. Yuki stared at her, hesitantly reaching out her hand to touch her gloved hand. Ther fingers entertained, and she was hoisted upward, led through the winding hallways, occasionally passing by a veiled girl, who'd bow their head as they passed. In total, Yuki counted three scattered amongst their large haven.

Finally, Ariana let go of Yuki's hand, turning towards her with her back against the door. She looked at Yuki; a smile stretched across her face as if she was going to show her something she was proud of. It reminded her of a child leading a parent something they made. Yuki stared at the door curiously.

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