~:Chapter 10:~

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Everything has come to this moment. All of the countless hours of studying, the blood, sweat, and tears she put into learning every concept were finally going to be challenged at this very moment. As she watched Ms. Owens handing out the large packet of white paper known as the infamous semester exam, she could only grip her pencil tightly in anticipation til Ms. Owens slid it onto her desk.

"You have three hours to complete the exam. At the end of class, I will collect what you have. So, manage your time." She instructed, sitting down at her desk. Immediately, the class began writing. Yuki flipped open the first page after writing her name down, anticipating the questions to be complicated. However, to her surprise, they weren't.

The test itself was divided into four categories. Firstly, history, which Yuki blew through faster than she expected. The questions mainly were vocabulary and dates, all of which she memorized in a short amount of time. Then was English, consisting of primarily quick answers, which Yuki didn't struggle with much, although it was time-consuming. By the time she got to the third, one of the two feared math sections was less than half over.

She took a deep breath and flipped to the math equations. Luckily, first up was the multiple-choice. She seemed to know most of the information, guessing only a couple of them. By the time she finished the multiple-choice, she felt confident and ready to take on the short answer.

She turned to the final section. A section that not only she but the rest of the class dreaded. It happened to be the most challenging section, which was apparent to Yuki when she saw the first question. She could feel her heart drop as she didn't recognize how to do it, turning the page to the next problem—feeling relieved to know this one.

She continued the rest of the section by filling out the easy ones. She skipped the hard ones, only to return to them later when she remembered how to do them. Finally, the last that remained was the first problem.

It wouldn't have been an issue if it hadn't been the biggest problem, worth more points than a combination of a few shorter questions. She reread it repeatedly, trying to understand any of the details that she didn't read before. As the clock ticked closer and closer to the bell, she could feel her nervousness growing. Even felt her handshake as she tried to write at least something.

"Ten minutes remaining."

Yuki felt her heart pumping. She thought deeply about her study sessions, trying desperately to claw out a memory lodged deep in her brain. The harder she tried to force it to come out of hiding, the she felt defeated. She tapped her pencil against the paper, hoping it would write the equations for her.

"Five minutes remaining."

She felt her handshake. Suddenly, like an epiphany, she remembered how to do it. She quickly scribbled down the equations; then, the clock ticked closer to the bell ringing. Sixty seconds. Then thirty. Then fifteen. 






She circled her answer as the bell rang.

"Pencils down. Hand them forward."

She felt herself sigh in relief. It was over. Finally over. Rebecca turned to her as everyone stood up, whispering about the exam.

"How do you think you did?" Rebecca asked Yuki as the two collected their bags.

"Good, I hope." Yuki smiled. "I feel pretty confident." She responded, slipping her bag over her shoulder. 

"Same. I think? That Math section's always brutal." Rebecca sighed. Yuki looked up to ask Amelia how the test went for her, but she was gone. Yuki didn't even remember seeing her leave the room at all. How fast did she leave? If anything, that was probably a bad sign. Yuki sighed, hoping that she at least did well.

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