~:Chapter 51:~

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"Before she injected me... she told me everything," Yuki whispered, looking at the two of them. Claire and Jake glanced at each other before looking back at the girl. Yuki sat there, completely adorned in a lacy black dress she had no recollection of even putting on. '"B-But... I don't remember anything after that..." She sighed.

"What can you remember?" Claire asked her, taking her hand in her own and giving it a comforting squeeze.

* * * 

"A-Ahaha... Yes... Yes..." Allen muttered to himself as he watched the trials out on the monitor. He had taken a particular interest in the girl in red, watching as she managed to survive not one but two poisons. He jotted down the effects, returning his gaze to the screen as soon as he was done writing. He wouldn't want to miss anything interesting happening!

He coughed again, feeling pain flare out in his chest. He grunted in pain, reaching for one of the many syringes full of blue liquid on his desk, wasting no time as he injected it into his arm. He sighed in pleasure as the relaxed tingly feeling spread through his body. Sure, it wasn't a cure, but it did help with the pain enough, so he wasn't concerned with the side effects.

"M-More!" He grunted, grabbing another syringe as he stabbed it into his arm. The jab sent a wave of pleasurable tingles up his body. His life recently had been nothing but pain, so he craved any sort of pleasure. He removed the syringe from his arm, jabbing it into his arm, again and again, taking in the pleasure as beads of crimson formed on his arm. He looked down at it and laughed. Not exactly sure why it was funny, but regardless, he laughed.

He looked back up at the monitor and returned to his intent stare. He smiled as the one boy fell forward, nearly slicing his head off.

"Uh oh!" He said with a giggle, returning to his notes to jot something else down. He added a line of scribbles next to the others. None of them said anything, yet, he didn't know that. He paused. Something wafted in the air. It was a sweet smell, reminiscent of flowers but not precisely. He immediately felt calm, which made him recognize what it was—a chemical.

"Hello, Ariana." He said without turning around.

There was no response for a few seconds before she appeared as a reflection in the monitor over his shoulder. He looked up at her, and she smiled at him.

"Y-You're n-not allowed to be here!" He sighed in disappointment. "I- I don't w-want President Lane g-getting mad..." He grunted.

"Oh! My apologies!" She said. "I just wanted to make sure you were alright!" She said with a wide smile. "Did you take your medicine?"

"Yes! I did!" 

"Good." She said with a smile. "Oh, yes... I also wanted to thank you for letting me participate in your experiments... The chemical is working like a charm. You'd be surprised at how well it works on humans."

"Y-You need to be careful with that..." He sighed. "Y-You could get hurt..."

"You don't trust me?"

"N-No... I do! I just... don't want you to be hurt..." He said, followed by a hard cough. 

"I am alright," Ariana said. "Everything is under control." She whispered as she stepped around behind the chair, placing her hands on his shoulders and giving them a light rub. "Though... I think... there needs to be a change." 

"L-like what?" Allen asked.

"I think... I should be the one running this experiment... Don't you think?" She asked.

"W-What?! N-No! T-That wouldn't be safe!" Allen sputtered out.

"Thank you for all that you've done," Ariana whispered. "I'll put this chemical to good use... but perhaps, It's time for something new." She said, slipping her hand into the slit of her dress to remove a dagger. She stared at Allen from behind the chair, watching him look in terror at the monitor. 

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