Chapter 1: The Good Student

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"Good afternoon students. I'll be your English teacher this year, I'm Mr. Fischbach. I trust you all had a wonderful summer and there will be plenty of time for you to chat with your friends about it, but that will have to wait." I sat at a desk, at the front of the room. Not so eager to learn; but keeping close attention on my teacher while he spoke. Upon the front of the room was a sharply dressed, complete stud of a man.

"In my classroom, I have one rule: No cellphones. Mr. Taylor that means you, cell phone away now before I confiscate it!" The snickering from my fellow students, and I flooded the room when Mr. Fischbach called Nathan out for having his cell phone out during class. "Well I think it's safe to say English will be a complete drag since we have Mr. Hardass this year," my friend Juliet leaned over to me from her desk and whispered. 'Maybe so but at least he's hot.'

Mr. Fischbach paced the front of the classroom ranting about the importance of education and why we should always attend his class with a willingness to learn and to keep an open mind. "I may be strict but that's because I believe in you. I believe you have the power to do anything you set your minds to. As young individuals, you are the future of America. Do not confuse I'm strict because I care, with being strict because I'm an asshole. I want nothing more than to be your teacher, and friend throughout this semester. Respect me, and I shall show you the same level of respect."

Juliet leaned towards me, whispering to me yet again while Mr. Fischbach wasn't paying attention. "It's funny how he's acting like he's lived a long and prosperous life when in truth we're 18 and he's what... 28 at most? I mean, the guy looks like he only recently graduated from college." I snickered in response but while she's thinking about his youthful appearance contradicting his inspiring speech I couldn't stop myself from imagining him bending me over his desk and having his way with me. Mr. Fischbach was exactly my type. Taller than me, dark hair, awfully attractive and had a sweet yet sexy deep voice that made me weak every time he spoke.

I decided right then and there that if I was going to have a complete hardass for a teacher, I was at least going to have a little fun. I had heard of a student/teacher fantasy but, never did I think I'd ever be one to fantasize about my teacher yet here I was doing exactly that. Being so turned on by the very thought of having him pound me from behind, while I scream out in ecstasy. I could feel my poor clit throbbing thinking about how big Mr. Fischbach must be. I've always been the type of girl that goes after what she wants and, I most diffidently wanted him.

The next hour of class was spent touching base on things we would have learned in grade 11 English, and going over the first big assignment of the year, which we would be getting started on next week. As the dismissal bell rang we all proceeded to pack up our books. "Don't think you guys are getting out of here without homework. On your way out stop by the table to the right of the door and pick up your copy of 'To Kill a Mockingbird.' I want chapters 1-5 read by Thursday. There will be a quiz on those chapters Thursday afternoon. Anyone who scores at least 90% can join me for dinner Friday evening if they so choose, at a restaurant upon everyone's agreement... my treat. Oh and before anyone asks, yes I am allowed to do that."

"Yuck, we'll be getting enough of him in school, why the fuck would we want to spend even more time with him" Juliet questioned as we headed out of the classroom. I faked a sly grin to her, to reassure my agreement and understanding of her statement when in reality, this was the perfect opportunity for me to start doing exactly what I want-- To tease Mr. Fischbach. Tease him so much so, he'll eventually want me just as much as I want him.


Tuesday and Wednesday came and went, nothing too exciting happened however come Thursday I walked into English with full confidence I'd ace that test. I was so overconfident in myself I even showed up to class several minutes early. Upon entering the classroom, I wasn't surprised to find I was the only one there, aside from Mr. Fischbach. I ignored his obvious gaze as I made my way to the front of the room. Wearing this short of a skirt, what man wouldn't be staring at me. Being the only one here, this was the perfect chance to begin the teasing.

Before taking my seat I tore off my sweater and flung it over my chair. My shirt was tight, and revealing leaving my chest rather more so exposed then it should be. I acted coy as if not to notice how inappropriate I looked, by sitting at my desk scribbling on a piece of scrap paper. I occasionally would glance up, and if he wasn't looking at me I would cough to bring his attention back to me. If he already was looking at me, I'd position myself differently to give him a better view down my top more and more each time.

Shortly before the bell rang my fellow classmates began to pile into the room. The tension between Mr. Fischbach and I was so thick even a knife wouldn't cut it. I felt it and I could see it in his eyes he did too. As the rest of my class took their seats, the bell rang and immediately Mr. Fischbach got up from his desk and went down the rows one by one placing a booklet face down on everyone desk. "What is this, a test or an exam? This is bullshit," a boy from the next row over exclaimed. "This is 12th grade English, Mr. Thomas and I suggest you make a different choice of words next time."

I watched Mr. Fischbach slowly make his way down my row, and as he got to me I sneakily tried to meet his eyes and followed them- they were staring at exactly what I wanted them to be. As he reached down to place the booklet down on my desk, his hand was awfully close to my breasts, and just trying to imagine that was what he was aiming to touch made me let out a quivering exhale. Instantly he looked back at me and had a flushed look on his face. I don't know if it was accidental or if he purposely meant to try and get close to touching my breast but either way, the thought excited me. I wanted his hands all over my body.

"You have until the end of class. When you're finished just come put it on my desk. You may begin." At the sounds of those words, I flipped my booklet over to find it was indeed exactly as I figured. One page of questions per chapter. Looking over all questions, I found, for the most part, I knew the answers. I could easily get at least 90% from this test. I took my time to carefully plan out any answer If I had to explain it. My thought was right coming into this test, I was well prepared. So prepared, I was flying through this booklet.

Finally, after coming to the last page and noticing I still had another 20 minutes I decided it may be time to step the teasing up a notch. I slowly lifted my head up from my paper, to take note of where Mr. Fischbach was and what he was doing. He sat at his desk, a cup of coffee in one hand, book in the other but that was all about to change. I let out a cough and watched as he glanced up at me. His focus remained on me, even when I brought my focus back down to the paper.

Knowing his eyes were still stuck to me like glue, I decided I wanted to give him an even better look. I slowly spread my knees apart, leaving my panties completely exposed to any onlookers. His eyes still never changed positions so I thought I'd lead the way. I swiped the hair out of my face, and gently began to run my hand down the side of my face, down the side of my body and on top my lap and began to 'innocently' rub the inner thigh of my left leg. I glanced up to see, sure enough, he was full-on staring.

Several minutes later, I had finally finished the quiz and I was the first one to do so. I got up from my desk to presented the booklet to him. He seemed shocked I was done so quickly, but I had very good motivation to not only complete it but ace it. Mr. Fischbach looked red in the face as I approached his desk. "Done already?" - "What can I say, I want to be a good student. A good student knows what she needs to do to get the kind of grades she wants." I bit my bottom lip as I ended that statement to imply an innuendo.

I could see how uncomfortable I was making him, and knowing inside I had him practically on his knees was empowering. I giggled and blushed before adding on to that statement in attempts to hide how sexual that was intended to be. "Do the homework of course!" However it was too late, the damage was done and came in a very large, rock solid package hidden beneath his trousers.

Teasing Mr. Fischbach: MarkiplierxReader {Dirty} (18+) ✔Where stories live. Discover now