TMF Update: Results

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Well, I'm sure if you follow me you've already seen what I've had to say in terms of the poll so I'm really just writing this for those who don't follow me. Sorry to post another update after the story was complete, I just felt this should be done. :P

The poll of should I make a version of TMF in Mark's POV made back with a major majority of those who voted wanting to see this happen. So, starting really whenever I feel like it (probably after TMF2 is complete) I will be working on TMF in Mark's POV. 

The final vote count was: 
Yes- 57
No- 3

Now to address what people have been asking me about this. 

- This will be it's own book. 

- Everything will be entirely in Mark's POV- there will be no switching of perspectives.

- It isn't a MarkXreader however, it will be written in first person. The reader technically will be playing as Mark throughout the story. 

- Yes you guys will get to see a lot more to the story in terms of content. Not everything will be redone in his perspective, only certain events I feel could add depth to the original if it's been seen through his eyes. 

- When I say everything will be written in his POV I mean everything. Including any Smut I intend to include. That'll be interesting. I only really know how it feels and works for girls... so lol this will be fun. 

Anyway well I guess that's it. If you have any other questions, inbox me. 

Teasing Mr. Fischbach: MarkiplierxReader {Dirty} (18+) ✔Where stories live. Discover now