Chapter 11: Perfect Together

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I didn't know what to do with myself, I felt so out of place. The first time I was here it was a rather spontaneous event. I didn't have to worry about what I could and could not do but, this weekend I was a guest in his home and planned to be respectful. I followed his lead and kicked my shoes off at the door, and I kept a tight grip on my bag, not really knowing what to do with it. So I stood back in silence awaiting an invitation to 'make myself at home' or something along those lines.

I watched as he swung his sweater over a chair and tossed his car keys onto the kitchen table. I took a moment to actually obverse my surroundings. His bungalow was an open floor concept, that had tons of natural lighting and was rather spacious. For a single man, he sure didn't live like one. His home was clean and well kept. Instead of a sink full of dishes and beer bottles or soda cans as far as the eye can see, everything was neatly organized and had it's own place. The last time I was here I didn't exactly have time to appreciate these little details but, I did now.

"You look nervous. Are you okay," he asked with a bit of a chuckle and his bright eyes set on me. I blushed and began to sway back and forth on the tips of my toes, not exactly sure what to do or say. "Well come in... Set your bag down anywhere, I'll give you a proper tour," he said with a smile. I felt a bit more at ease hearing that. He was so warm and inviting. Which for being the first of what I would hope to be, many weekends spent here to come was much appreciated. I smiled back at him and nodded my head, setting my bag down at the door, right near our shoes for the time being.

Mr. Fischbach beckoned me over with his index finger and proceeded to point to each area individually. "That's the kitchen, there's the living room, and there's the hall that leads to the rest of the house." Obviously, I could plainly see what was in front of me but found it kind of cute that he felt the need to be Captain Obvious. His hand then ran down the length of my arm, and his hand took a hold of mine as he lead down the hallway.

There was a door to the left, a door a little further down the hall on the right, however, I already knew that was the bedroom and an archway at the end of the hall. From where I was standing it seemed like the room may have been his office space, and it also had a glass sliding door leading out into the backyard.

He stopped by the door on the left first and reached in in order to flick on the light switch. It was a rather modernized bathroom much like the rest of the house but, better yet there was a large walk in shower. Mr. Fischbach pointed to a small cabinet that rested on the floor against the back wall. He walked over to it, crouched down and proceeding to open it. "Face clothes and towels are under here whenever you feel like taking a shower."

I wasn't particularly paying much attention to where the towels were stored. Frankly, I just didn't care at the moment. I was much more occupied with thinking about how much fun we could have in a shower that size over the weekend. When I finally focused my attention back on Mr. Fischbach he was wearing a sideways grin and had this lustful look in his eyes. "I know what you're thinking, I was thinking the same. So maybe later." I giggled and flushed, at his response. I found it kind of funny that he knows me so well, as he's already able to read my mind. "Am I really that obvious, Sir?"

He rose to his feet and approached me with arms open wide draping them around me. Taking a tight grip around my body. He playfully fondled my ass cheeks through my tights and nuzzled his scruffy face into my neck planting a few sloppy kisses. I threw my head back as a reflex and my breathing became more hitched. I ran my hand up into his hair, while he was busy nibbling at my neck. For something he said would happen later, he wasn't making it easy for me, and I sure as hell wasn't gonna stop it.

I loved having him close to me like this and I loved even more when he got rough with me like he was doing at that moment. His warm skin against mine, his heated breath trailing down my neck, and the scent of his cologne lingering off of him made left me trembling. "Mmm, Sir I love when you do that." I took a tighter grasp onto the lock of hair I had been holding onto for the last few moments, as I felt myself beginning to get weak. "Don't tell me the tour stops here Sir. I think you should show me the bedroom," I whispered.

Teasing Mr. Fischbach: MarkiplierxReader {Dirty} (18+) ✔Where stories live. Discover now