Chapter 9: Absolutely Beautiful (XXX)

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(Smut chapter, yay!)

"So, what'd you tell your parents?"-"Nothing? I'm 18. What do they care if I go out, it's not like I'm grounded?" I tugged my seat belt over my shoulder and hooked it into place while Mr. Fischbach began to drive. We never did discuss where we were going, and frankly, I just didn't care as long as I was there with him. Watching the sun set through the car's windshield while we drove, and smelling his sweetly intoxicating cologne just made the scene more picture perfect.

As we drove, Mr. Fischbach reached across to my lap and gently allowed his fingertips to dance across my inner and outer thigh. I didn't know what to expect from this adventure with him, but I didn't need to know. His touch left me trembling on the inside, but in a good way and it felt right. "Thank you for those pictures by the way. I didn't expect it, and it was a nice surprise." I was happy to hear he appreciate them but, they were certainly not something I wanted him to keep.

I took a grip on his hand with my own and interlocked our fingers. We had never held hands yet, and in the moment it felt more intimate than sex."I'm happy you liked them, Mr. Fischbach but I'd really appreciate if you'd delete them." - "I've already deleted them. Although my phone is never out of my possession anyway, I wouldn't want to run the risk of someone somehow seeing those." It seemed like we were on the same page, and I was grateful to know they've already been deleted.

The car fell quiet but it was in no way silent. It was like we were speaking without saying anything at all, and finding someone you can hold those kinds of 'conversations' with, it's beyond indescribable. I felt like a venerable child and every word we left unspoken was beautiful. We needed nothing else in this moment besides the gas in the car that allowed us to drive away from the world and just be together even if it were only for a few short hours.

I often wondered what Mr. Fischbach thought about the situation. I know he cares for me. However so long as things are fine between us, I see no reason why we couldn't officially make ourselves a couple. Even if it had to be secret, at least for now. 'Maybe labeling a relationship isn't a big deal to him, but it is for me. We're already seeing each other in secret anyway. How could making it official make it any different?'

Almost as if he knew my thoughts were beginning to get to me, he ran his thumb around the outside of my hand in a circular motion. I looked down at our intertwined hands and then looked up at him with a smile. He took his eyes off the road for a few seconds to return my gaze and having our eyes lock for that moment, it was like I was floating on a cloud. 'How can something be so wrong and yet feel so right?'

Living in the suburbs of Los Angeles it wasn't unusual to find streets I had never heard of before. After all the city itself is huge. As we continued to venture onto these unknown roads, curiosity got the best of me. "We seem like an awfully long way from your house, Sir. Where are we going?"-"Remember the other day when I said it wasn't all about sex. Well, as fantastic as sex is, and as enticing as it sounds after seeing those pictures from earlier that's not the plan. Instead, I have something I want to show you." Again my curiosity began to eat away at me. Both because I was wondering what he may have to show me and also as to where we were heading.

The more turns we made onto unknown streets the more lost I became and admittedly I was beginning to panic. I wasn't thrilled about having no idea where I was, or where we were going to end up. Eventually, the car slowed down coming to a complete stop at a dead end. Mr. Fischbach turned off the ignition and turned to me, with a small grin. "What are you looking at sir?" He began to sigh and then smiled even wider. "You're absolutely beautiful, you know that."

As perfect as that moment was, that's exactly what it was- a moment and then it was gone. Now not only was I completely attracted to absolutely everything about this man, I was smitten. So smitten it'd be an appropriate statement to say I was like putty in his hands. This was a completely different side of him I had never seen. He was gentle and sweet. My heart felt warm, and it seemed as if I were dreaming. The feeling was utterly indescribable, and it lit a spark in me. Something I wasn't used to but wanted more of. 'Am I beginning to fall for him already?'

Teasing Mr. Fischbach: MarkiplierxReader {Dirty} (18+) ✔Where stories live. Discover now