Note From The Author

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Hey guys. Well, if you made it this far that means, you finished the story. I really hope you guys enjoyed it, and because you made it to the end, I'd like to give you all a hug so, here it goes *squishes you all*

Okay, now that that's done with; I've got some news.

This story started out as a 3 part series, and then after enough requests

I decided to make it a short story. Most of you know how. However, something I've been asked so many times that I've begun to lost count is:

"Is there going to be a sequel?"

Although I had thought about this question inside and out- in every way I possibily could my answer was "No." I feel like I left this story off in a good place.

Up until recently, there was no intention of a sequel until I finally developed a plot. So, go ahead and ask me again... here I'll do it for you.

"Brittany... Mr. Author sir.... um... Ma'am, is there going to be a sequel to TMF?"


Now, what I want to address is how different it's going to be.

For one, a big plot point for TMF1 was the smut, where as now that

the relationship is already establish there's no need for it.  There will still be a balance of smut and story so don't worry ^_^

Although there may come a point in which the smut scene is 'too intense' to be posted here then I'll leave notice in the chapter that it will be posted on AO3 but, I'm gonna try to avoid having to do that as much as possible.

Second thing I want to bring up is, I may or may not be writing this by myself.

I'm not going to say who, I'll keep that a surprise, but there may be a co-author involved with the making of TMF2. I'm sure some of you know her, follower her and read her smuts. In fact, I know some of you do because I've seen you comment. She's been an avid reader of TMF since the beginning, and over the last few weeks has quickly become a good friend, which is why I did make her the offer of writing it with me.

The reason I say there 'may or may not be' is because although the offer was made, and she expressed interest I'm not 100% sure if this is a solid plan yet. I know she has stuff going on and with her being a teenager and summer right around the corner I'm sure she'll have many other things to focus on.

However, if everything works out as planned I have no doubt that we'll be able to bring you guys something you'll love and hopefully be able to do TMF justice.

"But Brittany, you're a great writer all your own, you don't need a co-author."

Trust me, if you like what I've written you'll LOVE her. She's one of my favorite authors, and apparently I'm one of her's so it's only natural we do something together.

"When will you start writing the sequel and how big will the story be?"

No idea. Most likely immediately. I'll try to keep the same posting scheduled which is 1-2 chapters a week. In terms of length, well I have no idea but I'm aiming to keep it the same length as TMF... if not then, longer. All those details will work themselves out.

Okay, well I guess that's it. Kind of.


Once again, thank you guys so much for reading, voting and commenting but and even bigger thank you for all your love and continuous support. I've been very blessed to have met some incredible people through this story. I've also been even more blessed by being able to call some of those people, my friends. Some of which, are also incredible writers themselves.

I never expected TMF to be as big as it is now (Currently just over 30k reads and over 1.1k votes) but, I'm so happy you guys like it, just as much as I enjoyed writing it. Some of you even claiming it to be your absolute favorite fanfiction of Markiplier which is a super big deal for me.

However, I think my biggest thank you goes out to the few of you who have inboxed me with words of encouragement, and kind words. Or asking me for help and ideas with your own story.

The reason I want to give you guys a big thank you is because, seeing this fills me with pride more then anything else. To see you guys are reaching out to me for advice on your story, and want my help warms my heart. I'm always willing to help anyone and everyone I can with whatever I can... and to see you guys want my help with writing... is just mind-blowing.

Please don't get me wrong. I'm not any less grateful to those of you who haven't, but getting to see how much of an impact this story has had on some people... or people saying it was because of me and this story that inspired them to go and write their own story literally brings me to tears every single time.

None of you know this, but the last year in particular was extremely hard for me. I felt as if I was going no where, and felt worthless...

I felt like I had no talent, nothing special about me... I had no ambitions or dreams.

Well now, because of TMF I've realized there are people out there

who think I'm worth something, who like what I do. Who believe in me, and that made me start to believe in myself.

I have a passion for writing, and seeing how far I've come with this story

and how much people love it fills me with more pride then I've ever felt through literally my entire life. So, this is why I do this. I do it for you guys. You make me better, and make me feel worth something.

So, thank you.




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