Chapter 8: I'm All Yours

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"So I believe you have a promise to keep," a voice purred from behind me. I blushed and spun around, to find Mr. Fischbach managed to catch me while I was at my locker during my spare period. I nibbled at my bottom lip in an attempt to keep myself from seeming too eager. "I made a promise, and I never go back on my word, sir." Mr. Fischbach took a few steps back from me, beginning to scratch at his head. He looked nervous and I didn't understand why until Ms. Felton began to walk by us.

She didn't seem like her normal, cheerful self during class, and usually outside of class she would greet all her students with a 'hello' at the very least but, today it was different. I knew exactly why she was down in the dumps and I couldn't help but feel somewhat guilty and genuinely felt bad for her. I watched as she passed by without as much as a glance in our direction, and headed into the Teacher's lounge. "So, I'm guessing you talked to her?"-"Yeah. I talked to her the morning. I just said I've met somebody and would like to pursue them."

Our conversation was cut short when the bell rang for next period. I slammed my locker door shut and heaved my book bag over my shoulder. "I don't want you to be late for class, so hurry. You know what happens when you misbehave." The tone of voice he used was both soothing and sexy, which left me feeling like I had butterflies. I giggled at how red his face got because he barely was able to finish his sentence before students began to flood the hallways.

I nodded my head and took my leave heading towards the English room, only to look back and see him still standing there watching me. "Well if that's the case, I'll take the long way." I sent him a playful wink and in return, his face lit up. An oblique smirk lined his lips and he slightly shook his head at my response as I turned back around proceeding to class.


"If you used your time wisely in the library yesterday, you should be able to start constructing a rough draft for your essay today. If you feel like you don't have enough information, come up and see me and I'll give you a permission slip to be in the library this period. However use your time to your full advantage, as after this it'll be up to you to do on your own spare time."

It wasn't long before most of the class requested to go to the library. No matter what the class, if a student had the opportunity to be unsupervised they'd take it so they can spend the period just goofing off. Normally I'd do the same but, not for English. This period I had a much for exciting plan. I joined a few fellow classmates surrounding Mr. Fischbach's desk as he wrote each individual student a permission slip for the library.

"Can I go to the washroom?" He kept silent, and just gave me a blank expression like I had asked a stupid question. "I don't know, can you?" That question absolutely made me cringe and in truth, I should have known better. I'm pretty sure every teacher has made that joke at least once. I raised an eyebrow to him and waited to be excused. Still, he remained silent, waiting as if he were waiting for me to correct myself. "Fine. May I go to the washroom...sir?" - "Much better. Yes, you may." I let him carry on writing out these notes while I slipped my way out into the hall and headed for a nearby bathroom.

As I approached the door, I opened it slightly and peered inside cautiously checking out my surrounds. I was alone, just as I had hoped. I gave the door a good hard push to ensure it was closed and proceeded to lock it. There was another bathroom on the second floor so I wasn't too concerned about someone needing to get in this one. I stood hovering over the sink, staring at my reflection in the mirror contemplating what I was about to do. I wanted to show him just how badly I was looking forward to what would hopefully come this evening.

I slid my phone from out of my jeans pocket and took a deep breath as I opened up an app to set a timer on my phone's camera. I gently rested my phone up against the part of the wall behind sinks faucet and positioned it, in a way where most of my body could be seen. This is when I began to strip myself of my leggings and shirt. A slight shiver was sent coursing through my body when the air brushed against my exposed flesh, and immediately I got goosebumps.

I leaned into my phone and set a timer to take several different pictures, 10 seconds apart which gave me plenty of time to switch positions and pose something sexy and provocative for the camera. Each snap of the camera, made me even more excited than the last. It was one thing to send Mr. Fischbach private photo's I've taken at home but it was another to be taken on school property. Something about taking these photos and sending these photos on school grounds just made it even more risque, which I was sure Mr. Fischbach could appreciate.

When the camera made it's final snap, I could feel that I was already wet with anticipation, and just knowing what I was about to do was a turn on in itself. I didn't even have much time to process the thought before I found myself on my back unclipping my bra, and then sliding my panties down to my ankles shortly after. Again I set the timer and began to take even more explicit, and sexually suggestive pictures.

Finally, I had picked up my phone and began to scroll through my camera roll, picking out all pictured I liked, and deleting the one's I didn't. It was then I took my phone into a stall, where I took the last picture at my 'photo shoot.' Hiking my leg up onto a toilet seat, I held my phone between my legs and took a close up for him. I took a seat on the toilet and began to fumble through my phone looking for that unfamiliar number, creating a new contact for it and sending all the pictures I chose to keep before finally sending him a final message simply saying "I'm all yours"


Taking a seat back on my desk, I sat with a playfully crooked smile and a lustful gaze seat on Mr. Fischbach. He wasn't giving me any type of response regarding the photos, so it was easy to tell he hadn't seen them yet. I'd spend this time while our eyes were locked making kissy faces at him or biting and licking my lips. Finally, I heard a faint sound of vibrations, which seemed to be coming from his briefcase. After hearing several vibrations, I knew it was the notifications of him receiving my picture messages. I watched as he looked at his briefcase, and then seemed to have shrugged it off. However, I wanted him to see them, and I wanted him to see them now.

I let out a cough, and to no avail did I manage to get his attention again so I let out a second. The moment our eyes met, I glanced at his briefcase, and then back up at him several times to suggest he should check it out. He seemed a little hesitant to investigate but eventually made a movement. Bending down, peering over to the side of his desk and whisked his briefcase off the floor. Several slight clicks were heard as he opened the case. Finally, the reaction I was waiting for. Bright eyes and a devilish grin was my reward which was more than satisfying. I sat there only wishing I could bare witness to the aftermath but alas, at this moment I could not.

I leaned down, and plucked my binder from out of my book bag deciding I should bring my focus on what I was actually supposed to be doing this period, and that was the rough draft for my essay. It seemed as though just as I had put my pen to the paper, my phone began to rumble. Instantaneously, my heart began to beat fast wondering what to expect.

I glanced up at Mr. Fischbach once again, to find he was sitting there watching me in which seemed like eager anticipation. I just rested my hand over my pocket, uncertain if I was even allowed to see what awaited me just in case it wasn't from him. Our eyes locked once more as he gave me a reassuring nod, which I presumed was a go ahead. Cautiously I took out my phone, and he didn't stop me. I unlocked my phone to find a text message was sent back. 'You are indeed all mine, remember that. You live at 119 Everstone Dr, right? What do you say I swing by and pick you up later tonight?'


(I realize sending these pictures for most if not all of you is out of character. Some of you may be comfortable with doing this and some of you may not. It's very hard to generalize a Xreader. So, just know these pictures do not play a vital role in the story.)

Teasing Mr. Fischbach: MarkiplierxReader {Dirty} (18+) ✔Where stories live. Discover now