Chapter 12: Feels Like Falling In Love

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The warm sunlight peering through the curtains of the window gently rocked me back to reality until I opened my eyes. I was greeted by the tweeting birds singing a sweet song, and the sun's ray kissing up against my cheeks. I stretched and let out a mighty yawn, and realized Mr. Fischbach and I were still in the same position we fell asleep in, spooning.

His body seemed to fit around my every curve and seeing he still had a grip around me, left me grinning. The moment was perfect, and I didn't want to move but, I had to get up. I slightly made an attempt to roll over and peeked over to Mr. Fischbach to find him still sleeping. He looked adorable sleeping and seemed so at peace. The small upturned corners of his lips told me he was probably having a nice dream, and the last thing I wanted to do was wake him from his slumber.

I began to scoot closer toward the edge of the bed to lessen his hold on me and finally managed to remove his arm from off of me. Swinging my legs over the bedside, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Again I took a look back to see him sleeping peacefully and had gotten the idea to go take a shower and maybe make us breakfast. With a solid plan set in my mind, I carefully tried to get off the bed without disturbing him.

My feet just hit the floor when I was grabbed from behind and I let out a yelp. I was pulled back onto the bed. He snuggled up closer to me as if he hadn't done anything and I began to giggle. "I have to pee," I cried out trying to wrestle from his restraint. As cute as this was, I couldn't very well stay in bed when I had business to take care of. He in return playfully pouted at me, and I gave him a pout right back. "Okay, I'll let you go but, I want a kiss first."

As much as I wanted to kiss him, I had morning breath and, and he probably did too. Although I wasn't going to admit I had nasty breath, because that's not attractive in the least. "Kisses later, okay? I really do have to pee." He released me from his grasp and rolled over onto his back, stretching and began to chuckle. "What's so funny?"-"How is it that you're still so sexy even first thing in the morning?"

In all honesty, when he invited me over for the weekend it never occurred to me that he'd see what I look like when I first rolled out of bed. How I missed that little yet important detail, I don't know as usually like most women I felt I looked absolutely hideous in morning. His compliment made me blush and easily put me in a good mood. So far, it was a great start to hopefully a fantastic day. After enough stalling around I finally dragged myself back up, and off of the bed. His eyes followed me as I began to leave the room.

"I'm gonna take a shower too. How about when I'm finished I'll make some breakfast?" By the time I made it into the bathroom, he still hadn't replied. I could only assume it was possible that he didn't hear me so I shrugged it off and shut the bathroom door behind me. I walked farther into the bathroom, and stopped by the cabinet to grab myself a towel and face cloth, and then placed both over to towel rack just outside of the walk in shower doors.

I tugged my sleeping pants down to my ankles and sat down on the toilet to do my business before I kicked them off, and into the middle of the bathroom floor followed by stripping my shirt off and flinging it in the same general direction. As the open air hit my warm but now naked flesh, I had chills sent up and down my spine. After cuddling under a blanket all night with someone who throws of an immense amount of body heat I was feeling disgusting from sweating so much. However even if I was feeling absolutely repulsive, I wouldn't have traded last night for anything in the world.

With eager anticipation to begin the day, I whipped and stood up, flushing the toilet behind me and began to run the shower. Recently having flushed the toilet, I had to stand back and wait a few moments as the water was much too hot. After a few seconds of waiting, the water had finally reached a perfect temperature. I grabbed the face cloth I had set out for myself and I slid the glass shower door open, stepped in and shut it behind me.

Teasing Mr. Fischbach: MarkiplierxReader {Dirty} (18+) ✔Where stories live. Discover now