Chapter 5: Detention

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(Fan art provided by @FelinaxCosmosis Thanks so much! I love this to bits! Please go check out Felina's other work. She is found on deviant art under animeebster23)

My heart was sent racing at the sounds of the dismissal bell. Staying behind after school wasn't something I looked forward to, but being alone with Mr. Fischbach again was. I gently waved Juliet goodbye as I wouldn't be able to walk home with her today as I normally would. Mr. Fischbach remained seated as his desk, as did I while the classroom emptied.

I slouched in my desk, and I hung my head. I continued to doodle as I waited for Mr. Fischbach to give me instructions as to what my detention would consist of. As I continued to doodle I was disrupted when I heard him slide his chair back and then heavy footsteps towards the direction of the door.

My breathing became heavier when I heard the slam of the classroom door, followed by the loud clicking sound of the door being locked. I peered up and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and chills were sent rushing over my entire body as I watched him get closer and closer to me with each step. "You know what I do to naughty students? I teach them a lesson."

My mind went crazy hearing that. He had such a way with words and almost every little thing he said or did was enough to drive me absolutely mad with desire. Looking him deep in the eyes, I bit my lip at the thought of what this 'lesson' would entail. "So what lesson are you going to me teaching me today, sir? How to give a decent blowjob? If that's the case I promise I'd be an A+ student when it comes to sucking cock." - "Not today. Although I'd be more than happy to test you on that one day, if you're a good student. No, today you'll be writing lines."

I huffed when my obvious attempt at teasing had gone unheeded. I opened my notebook to a new page and took a black pen into my grip. "So what do you want me to write and how many times?" He stood back and pondered my question for a moment before his eyes widened and his blank expression turned into a smirk "I want you to write: I will be a good girl for Mr. Fischbach. 200 times, once that's finished you may go."

I pressed the tip of my pen against the lined paper and read the line out loud as I wrote it "," in the most seductive voice I could possibly ever do in an attempt to begin the teasing once again. I was forced to stop writing as I began the second line when Mr. Fischbach reached down, taking the pen from out of my hand. "I have a better idea." I rose my head from my paper and looked into his fiery gaze. I could almost see the light bulb over his head as he thought of this seemingly brilliant idea.

With a devious grin, he took a hold of my notebook and closed it before throwing it back down onto my desk. "I want you to write your lines on the blackboard." I stared down at my notebook then back up at the blackboard curious as to how it would make a difference. A little confused I opened my mouth to ask him but was prevented from speaking when his finger came up and pressed lightly onto my lips.

"I thought you agreed to be a good girl." I wanted to crack a smile, but seeing the serious look on his face told me, now would not be a good time to do so. I shrugged my shoulders and slightly nodded my head. "Then don't ask questions just, do as you're told." The demanding tone of his voice made me weak and if anything it only made me crave him even more. I had no idea why he would make me write lines for him especially at this age, but that wasn't up to me. Although it made me feel like a child, it seemed pointless to argue against his demands and in truth, I kind of liked his controlling side.

Still having no idea how doing lines on the blackboard versus writing them in my notebook were any different, I stood up from my desk and steadily walked to the backboard. Mr. Fischbach followed me to the front of the room, only he took a seat at his desk, just off to the right side of the blackboard. I picked up the white colored chalk and pressed it firmly against the blackboard.

Teasing Mr. Fischbach: MarkiplierxReader {Dirty} (18+) ✔Where stories live. Discover now