Chapter 4: Come and Get It

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"Teach me a lesson, Sir." Those words kept echoing in the back of my mind whether I wanted them to or not. In fact, almost every word, phrase, and request made Friday evening was being forcefully replayed in my head. I never really thought too much about Friday over the weekend but being face to face with Mr. Fischbach again knowing what happened... well, I couldn't exactly stop myself.

"I have booked the Library for class tomorrow. You will be expected to pick any informational texts or literary work from a different time period and write a short analytical essay on the piece." Mr. Fischbach continued to pace the front of the room, and I couldn't keep my eyes off him. For some reason today I've found myself more attracted to him... which I didn't even think was possible. There was just something there; a spark, chemistry, something that I just couldn't put my finger on. Maybe it was just sheer lust and desire.

Casually through out the period, we'd make eye contact, and my heart would skip several beats. Sitting here in front of him after what happened was causing pure anxiety but strangely enough, I kind of liked it. I remained at my desk, and shyly avoided his gaze every time our eyes met by doodling in my notebook. I was still listening to Mr. Fischbach's rant about the essay but not so much paying attention.

I didn't care what was on the agenda for tomorrow. Reasonably, my mind was elsewhere. Mostly thinking about how hot it would be to fuck under the bleachers, in the staff bathroom or even right here on top of my desk. I couldn't shake the thought of how much of a turn on it would be to have Mr. Fischbach give it to me good and hard on school property, especially knowing we could get caught fairly easily. Needless to say, I'd willingly sleep with him wherever and whenever I had that opportunity and that thought excited me.

With this in mind, I shot my hand straight up in the air and waited until I had his attention. "Will there be a reward for those who get a good mark on the essay?" I could tell by the look on his face, he wasn't expecting that question and, obviously knew what I was getting at. His face became bright red, and the best part was I was the only one who understood why. "I'll think about it." Hearing those words took my breath away and sent shivers up and down my spine. I tried to hide my grin by burying my face back down into my notebook. 'If the reward was anything like it was last time, I better make sure I do the best I possibly can.'

"Tomorrow I want each and every one of you present. If you're not I expect a call from the hospital saying you're on your deathbed... (Y/N!)..." Hearing my named caused me to jerk from the sudden surprise, and I shot my head up from my paper to bring my attention to him. "Yes, Sir?" Knowing how much he loved when I called him sir, I had been doing it all class. Not only that, but I found it an absolute thrill to be able to call him Sir, and know that no one in the room other than him and myself knew the real reason why I do it. "I see that cell phone, hand it over. You know the rules."

I raised my eyebrows at him, and just gave him one of 'those looks.' I found it funny he saw my cell phone, even though I had it tucked in my bra like I do with everything else when I wear pants without pockets. He approached me with his hand held out, awaiting me to put my phone into his hand. I shrugged and removed it from my bra, placing it in his hand when in reality I really just wanted to say "come and get it." Obviously, however, I couldn't as that would undoubtedly raise some questions on why I would say that and in what context it was meant it. "You can come see me after class to get it back."

He clutched my phone in the palm of his hand, before slipping it into his pocket. As he turned away he winked and gave me one of those sexy smiles he knew drove me wild. Retaking his original position front and center of the room, he then continued to lecture the class about how important it was for them to be here tomorrow to choose their essay material. Then he started on the basis of how to write a good analytical essay. 'What's he up to...' As curious as I was, I accepted the fact that while in this building I'm treated as an equal among my peers. Sadly this means he can't give me any type of special treatment, although I wish he could.

"Pssst" I peered over at Juliet who looked just as confused as I was, seeing her attempting to pass me a note. Before taking it from her hand I looked around to make sure the coast was clear. Mr. Fischbach was still pacing and when his back was turned I quickly snatched the piece of folded paper from her hand unfolding it to read; 'Why would he take your phone, it was barely even visible? Sure maybe it was sticking out of your top a bit but it's not like you were using it. What a dick.'

I let out a snicker but, not at what she clearly thought I was laughing at. Reading the line 'what a dick,' just made me say 'what a dick, indeed' to myself. Not that she needs to know, nor ever will. Of course Juliet being one of my very best friends, I tell her almost everything but having a secret rendezvous with Mr. Fischbach was never something I'd admit to her. At least not now. Perhaps when we're like old and gray if we're still friends, I may casually bring it up. However she's got a big mouth, he would lose his job and get in some serious shit for this. Plus, he'd never trust me again, that's not something I'm willing to risk.

I crumpled the note and tried shoved it into book bag before Mr. Fischbach seen that we were passing notes. That's when I realized the room was silent, and looking back up there he hovering over Juliet. "Well, is there something you'd like to share? What could possibly be so important you had to interrupt your friend's education by passing notes, Miss. Blackwood?"

I sunk in my seat just staring at Juliet while she desperately attempted to find a logical excuse. Her face went red when she couldn't come up with anything to say. "It was my fault, Mr. Fischbach. I said something to her and she didn't want to interrupt your fascinating speech on how to write a good analytical essay, so she responded to me through a note. " He glanced up, and walked over to me, leaning onto my desk. "Oh, so it was you who found it necessary to interrupt my lesson. Fine. I want you to stay after class for a little something I like to call, detention."

The room was filled with 'oooo's' from my fellow classmates when Mr. Fischbach dished out the first detention of the semester. "That's not fair," I whined and the glare he shot me after my outburst was cold. I stared into his eyes as if they had something to tell me. It was like we were speaking without any words and I couldn't help but feel as if he was trying to dominate me through eye contact. I found it to be a complete tease, and it easily sent my hormones into overdrive. 'I'm the one who's suppose to be teasing him! Well played sir but, payback is a bitch.'

Teasing Mr. Fischbach: MarkiplierxReader {Dirty} (18+) ✔Where stories live. Discover now