Chapter 3: Naughty Little School Girl (XXX)

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(This gets raunchy. If you don't like kink and hardcore, you won't like this. You've been warned.)

Studying Mr. Fischbach from across the table I could tell how uncomfortable it was for him. He was saying 'no', but his body language said 'yes'. He had been giving me the 'I want you' eyes all throughout dinner, even if he wasn't meaning to. All throughout the evening, we had a fairly casual conversation. He told me about his life and what was the defining moment in his life that made him decide to be a teacher. I may have been mentally undressing him from the moment we sat down but, I was listening to him. If anything his life story only made me admire him beyond the physical attraction. I knew then it was a strong possibility I could actually develop strong feelings for him besides just the sexual attraction.

"Can we get the bill please," he called out to a nearby waitress. I wasn't ready for the evening to come to an end. "Can't I order dessert sir?" I couldn't help but notice every time I called him sir, is face would light up and a sly sexy grin would line his face. "Oh, alright what do you want?" I looked him dead in the eye and licked my lips, followed by mouthing the words 'you.' I stuck my leg out and extended it under the table. Resting my foot right between his legs, gently trying to play but without hurting him seeing as how I was wearing heels. The moment my foot made contact, he gasped and slightly jumped.

The jolt caused him to knock over several things on the table which also included an entire glass of water. I could only sit there and laugh as he became flustered at my actions. "I'll clean that up, it's not a problem. So bill or dessert," the waitress inquired. "Just the bill, please." Mr. Fischbach stood up from the table to shake off what he could of the water that spilled on him while the waitress came with our bill. He didn't say a word to me if anything he seemed rather upset. He took out his wallet and threw down some cash. I had immediately regretted my decision as I really did want dessert.

"We're leaving! Or at least I am. How are you getting home?" I grabbed my purse which was hung over the arm of my chair, rose to my feet and proceeded to follow him out into the parking lot. I followed him all the way to his car before I answered his question "Same way I got here, I'm taking the bus." I watched as he went around to both sides of his silver cobalt and unlocked the passengers and drivers door. "That's what I thought. It's late, you're a young girl traveling by herself and with all due respect in your chosen attire, you might attract the wrong kind of attention. I'm not gonna show up for class on Monday to see that you're not there and be left to wonder what the hell happened. Get in the car." --"Really, sir I'll be fine. Thank you though, and thanks for dinner. I'll see you Monday."

I began my journey back through the dimly lit parking lot, thinking about how stupid I was to reject the offer. It was getting late, and remembering some of the creeps I've seen in this area, defiantly made traveling home at this time an unsettling experience. Shortly after I approached the nearest bus stop, the same silver cobalt pulled up beside me. I watched through the window as Mr. Fischbach reached over and opened the passenger door from his seat. "Get in the car now, and that's not a request." The stern tone of his voice somewhat took me back and sent nothing but chills down my spine. He just sat there silently, giving me this serious face and I knew I needed to listen. I slid in the passenger seat and slammed the door shut. Reaching for my seat belt, Mr. Fischbach began to drive. "So where am I dropping you off?" -"119 Everstone Dr."

Along the way, the car was filled with nothing but the tension and an unsettling stillness. I couldn't help but take notice we were turning onto roads I wasn't familiar with. "It would have been faster if you just took Bloor down to Annette and then across." Mr. Fischbach still wasn't willing to speak to me until we pulling up in front of a small bungalow. He pulled into the driveway and shut off the ignition. "I felt bad about the confrontation earlier, so I went and got something for you to say I'm sorry. I meant to bring it with me but, it slipped my mind. I'm gonna run inside and grab it. Did you want to come in and maybe have a cup of tea or something?" 

Teasing Mr. Fischbach: MarkiplierxReader {Dirty} (18+) ✔Where stories live. Discover now