Chapter 13: I Love You, Goodbye (XXX)

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(This chapter was suppose to have a smut scene but Wattpad made me remove it, so if you want to read the scene, please google search 'Teasing Mr. Fischbach- Deleted Scene (Smut) it's posted over on AO3 under my username there which is Cutieplier {yes, with an IE in the name})


"Wake up beautiful. Come on, get up," was repeated into my ear followed by a tingling sensation drifting across my stomach. I thought I was dreaming hearing those words but eventually, I opened my eyes and was greeted by Mr. Fischbach's scruffy face resting against my pillow only an inch or two away from me. 

I looked down to see his fingertips, gently dancing across my abdomen and thought that must have been the tingling sensation I was feeling. He inched in closer to me and kissed my cheek. "Well, good morning gorgeous." I tilted my head to him and blushed in response.

No matter how many times he called me beautiful, sexy or gorgeous I could never get sick of hearing it. What meant the most was the sincerity that was very evident in his voice every time he spoke those words. It was so easy for him to make me believe he meant them, and it certainly brought on a warm uplifting feeling. 

The fact that he was laying beside me with his glasses on told me he's already been up for a while now. I learned over the weekend that he never puts on his glasses until he's going to get out of bed, and he doesn't take them off unless he's going to sleep. Not that it really had any significance. I just found myself even more attracted to him when he wears his glasses. He just looks a hell of a lot more sophisticated, and I like that.

Today waking up, everything felt different, both in a good and bad way. Good because being in love is a wonderful feeling and reminding myself of how magical the previous night was, just genuinely made me happy. However bad, because no matter how much I wanted things to be different- I knew they couldn't be.

I began staring up at the ceiling and then return to closing my eyes. Not because I was still tired but because I knew it had gotten to the point where I had, to be honest with him, and tell him how I felt which I absolutely was dreading. Although a part of me wondered if it were possible he was beginning to feel the same. I had to ask myself why would he wine and dine me in the ambiance of a candle, or dance with me under the moonlit sky if it didn't mean something for him too?

As I laid in bed and stretched out, I thought about how I never imagined Teasing Mr. Fischbach would transition from lust to love but, now that it had everything for me had changed. I was seeing us in an entirely new light. It was no longer just about sex but rather my heart and as much as I thought I'd be okay with this being a casual thing I could no longer ignore what my heart was telling me. Regardless if my feelings were being reciprocated or not, I needed to talk to him and figure things out. I opened my eyes again when I felt him take a hold of my hand.

I watched in awe as he gently lifted my hand up to his lips beginning to softly kiss my fingertips before interlocking our fingers together. "Did you have fun this weekend?" Fun would be an understatement. This weekend was incredibly beautiful, and I was so upset that I would have to go home in a few hours. I cuddled up close to him, rolling him over onto his back and laid my head on his bare chest. "Hmmm," I murmured with a smile, even though he couldn't see it. 


We laid in bed for what seemed like all morning and, into the noon hour. We shared story after story and made a million silly jokes that always lead to at least one of us laughing hysterically. The entire time, he had his arm wrapped around me, twirling my hair around in his fingers and my head remained on his chest. As I laid there, my head was resting against his beating heart and his heart beat sounded as if it were almost in sync with my own. 

Teasing Mr. Fischbach: MarkiplierxReader {Dirty} (18+) ✔Where stories live. Discover now