3 : bike girl

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Wonyoung still has not arrived yet, making me shift uncomfortably at the counter. My shift should have ended 30 minutes ago and replaced by her but there's no sign she's coming soon. I tapped the table nervously as I saw bus by bus passing by our shop. It was already 10.55PM and the last bus would be at 11.00PM. I would not have any chance to go home by bus and the only way was to walk as it would cost more if I take a cab.

"Hey, sorry to ask you again, where can I find tyre worm here?"

It was the girl from yesterday, the one with whisker dimples. She still had her leather jacket on her hair tied in a short ponytail. I had to clear my mind a bit before answering, "Yes, umm, you can find it at the hardware section. The same place you can find tyre inflators."

"Okay, thanks.. Sunyoung." she glanced at my nametag before she went to find the tyre worm. I smiled at that but she didn't saw it.

"Who got you smiling like that?"

I finally sighed in relief when Wonyoung arrived. I couldn't be mad at her as she's too cute for that and I'm pretty sure that had some important stuffs to settle.

"I was smiling to a customer, Wonyoung. Hurry, go punch your card and take over. I need to catch the bus."

"Oops, so sorry! I had to look after my dog, she was giving a birth and I forgot to inform you. Wait, I'll be quick."

She ran towards the punch card rack and inserted her card before she signaled me that I could already leave. We waved each other goodbye and I fastened my steps out the store.

How unfortunate that as soon as I reached the bus stop, the bus had already started moving and left me. I sighed and I continued to walk home instead of complaining anything else.

I took my phone from my bag, trying to call my boyfriend, Jimin if he could come and give me a ride since my body felt so tired from working since the morning. Too bad, he didn't answer the call. He should be already asleep as he's someone who doesn't stay up late.

I almost screamed when there was a loud honk behind me. I turned around and saw a superbike slowing down to my way. The rider pulled up the shield but I still couldn't recognize who it was.

"It's me! From the supermarket."

I blinked a few times, still not having any idea who the person was so she decided to take the helmet off. It was the girl with the whisker dimples.

"Oh, hey." Hopefully, she's not going to ask me where something is in the supermarket anymore.

"I saw you were trying to catch the bus but yeah, you didn't manage to. I was wondering if your house is far from here, it would be more convenient if you just go with me." she signaled me to look at her superbike.

"Thank you so much but I don't want to burden you. And, it's not that far.." I kinda regretted what I just said as it is actually far from here.

"See? It won't be a burden since it's not that far. Come." she handed me her extra helmet. Thankfully, she offered twice.

I took the helmet from her hand and wore it on my head. I sat behind her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Oh, that's not where you should place your hands."

I immediately lowered my hands to her waist when I realized I was placing my hands at her boobs. No wonder they felt so soft and cushion-like. "Sorry, I'm not used to ride a bike with anyone."

"It's fine. So, where to, Miss?"

I told her the direction to my house and she followed. She seems familiar with the streets so I didn't have to say much. I gripped tight on her jacket whenever she sped up her bike.

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