10 : friends

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"You left this at my house." she handed me my phone.

I was still shocked. There's no way she's at my house right now. I just saw her sleeping with her crazy girlfriend and now she's in front of me.

"Yeah, thanks." I took the phone from her hand and we stood in front of each other awkwardly again.

She looked around my house while I still had the door half open. I'm not sure if she was judging my house because for sure it is 180 degree different from hers.

"So, you're not gonna let me in?" Rosé asked.

"You want to come in?"

She nodded. I suddenly forgot what I saw previously. The only thing I know is I'm excited that she's making a sudden appearance here. I told her to get in and she followed me from behind.

"Woah, another friend! Hey!" Jimin greeted Rosé excitedly.

She showed her expensive smile. As I was about to sit beside Jimin again, Rosé pushed me aside and made herself to sit there instead, facing Ryujin. I couldn't interpret what she was doing so I decided to just sit beside Ryujin.

"Aren't you..."

"Aren't you..."

Rosé and Ryujin said that to each other before they went silent again. I assumed it must be that they saw each other when Ryujin sent me to Rosé's house.

"Oh shoot, looks like everyone knows each other except for me. I'm Jimin." Jimin offered his hand to Rosé.

"I'm Ryujin."

"Nice to meet you, Ryujin and Jimin. I'm Chaeyoung." they shook each other's hand.

I never knew she has another name beside Rosé and Roseanne.

She was wearing a red sheer mesh top with a pink scarf on her neck. Her blonde hair was wavy and let down to her shoulders. And on the table, there's her handbag with YSL logo on it. The way she dressed was completely different from three of us. I was checking her out again without realizing it.

"I didn't know you had a rich friend, Sunyoung. I thought the only friend you had was Wonyoung." Jimin giggled.

"She's not her friend.." Ryujin nudged Jimin's arm.

"I am." Rosé was still smiling.

"Ryujin, you don't really have to be jealous that she has another friend. The most she can have is four friends, haha!"

"You should exclude yourself, a boyfriend and a friend aren't the same." Ryujin rolled her eyes.

Rosé looked at me from the corner of her eyes as she heard the word boyfriend came out of Ryujin's mouth. I didn't know how to react to that.

The air fryer dinged as the timer set for 20 minutes was already up. I was about to stand up and get the fried chicken out but Jimin made me to sit again.

"Ahh, it's okay. Let me do it for you." he smiled while he pinched my cheeks.

"Oh, let me help too." Ryujin stood up and followed Jimin.

Rosé and I stayed at the table and we were quietly sitting next to each other.

"...should I go and help them too?" she asked.

"No, you just came. You should rest a bit." I answered.

She nodded and there was an awkward silence again.

"How did you know I live here?" I asked.

"From your job application form. I wanted to return your phone. How can you live without your phone? Aren't you afraid you'll miss out any important message?"

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