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"This Saturday? Yeah I can come, where is it again? Okay, yeah I'll be there. Bye Ace." You hung up the phone call with your friend. He was throwing a beach party this weekend and was double checking to make sure you could come. Because of your job you couldn't go to some of his parties because you worked that same night, luckily Ace held a lot of parties.

"Okay, you ready to go?" You looked down at your cat in her crate, she didn't look happy at all. You were taking Wisp for her routine vet check, she was born a very sick kitten so you made sure to take her for a routine check-up even if she looked perfectly healthy. You stepped out of your apartment cat in hand only to run into Killer.

Why do I have to keep bumping into him.

"Oh, um hey (Y/N)... was I too loud last night?" Killer asked referring to his activities last night. He knew he must have been too loud when he could hear the looney toons theme song playing from your apartment.

"It's not a problem, just know I'll turn up the TV or music so I don't have to hear it." You said as you stepped around the blond, your cat was starting to have a fit so you needed to hurry and get her to the vet.

"Okay, no problem." Killer replied but it fell on deaf ears as you were already at the other end of the hallway. "This fucking sucks."


"It's nice to see you again Wisp yoi." Marco came walking into the exam room, he'd been your vet ever since you got Wisp. And since you were friends with his younger brother you got a discount on the vet bill.

Wisp payed little mind to the vet as she continued to explore the room, despite coming here plenty of times your cat always acted like it was a new territory to explore.

"Hey Marco, how have you been?" You asked as you scooped Wisp up and placed her on the exam table.

"I've been good yoi. What about you? Any changes with Wisp." Marco asked as he placed Wisp's file down.

"I've been good, keeping busy with work. Umm, Wisp has been eating more but other then that everything seems normal." You told the vet.

"I see." Marco did all the routine things he did with each check-up, however he seemed super focused on Wisp's belly. "I'm not certain we'll need x-rays to be sure, but I think there's a kitten or two in there yoi."

"Huh? Kittens?... I was told she was spayed when I got her." You mildly panicked.

"Some pet sellers lie yoi. I'll go take some x-rays and let you know." Marco picked up your cat and walked out of the room. If she truly wasn't spayed then it'd make sense that your cat was pregnant, she was always sneaking out of your apartment. Your landlord only allowed tenants to have two pets so if Wisp did have more then one kitten you'd have to find homes for the other ones.

(Y/N): Wisp might be preggo do you want a kitten?

FireBoy: Hell yeah I want a cat!

You chuckled at Ace's reply and let him know he could have first pick of the litter. You heard the whine of your cat before Marco even opened the door to step back into the room with her.

"So someone doesn't like x-rays yoi. Anyways take a look here." Marco pulled out a tablet that showed your cat's x-rays. He pointed to what looked like itty-bitty blobs to you on the screen. "I know it probably doesn't look like anything identifiable yoi. But we can see some spine structures here and here. I'm counting four kittens yoi."

"Four? No wonder you've been eating so much." You chimed as you stroked under your cat's chin.

"Yes and based on the size of the kittens and Wisp's weight I'd say she'll be giving birth in about two to three weeks yoi." Marco hummed as he wrote it down on Wisp's chart.

"So soon? How did I not notice?" You were suprised at this information then again you knew nothing about cat pregnancy.

"Yep, so until then it's best that you keep her in the apartment yoi. It will be troublesome if she has the kittens outside." Marco explained.

"Okay, do I have to bring her here when she goes into cat labor?" You asked.

"That's not necessary, cat's are perfectly fine given birth on their own yoi. However if there are any complications bring her here immediately." Marco answered, he gave you a pamphlet on cat pregnancy and told you some more things you needed to know before you left.

"Four kittens huh? You don't look that pregnant." You said as you let your cat out of her crate once you were back home. You cat did look a little chunckier but nothing that would indicate that she was carrying four kittens. You had work tonight, but before that you would be making sure that your apartment was escape proof.

You went around the apartment making sure the windows were all locked properly. You then moved aside some of your bigger pieces of furniture like your bookshelf and couch to make sure there wasn't any holes behind them. You were suprised when you found a vent with the air grate removed behind your dresser.

No wonder she was getting out. I didn't remember this being here?

You went to your closet and pulled out a power drill your dad gave you when you moved, he said it was essential to have one and you were finally putting it to use. Only problem the battery was dead.

I guess I could ask him?

With a heavy sigh you left your apartment and walked over to Killer's. If he was still working as a mechanic then he was bound to have something you could borrow. You knocked on the door and waited for him to answer.

"Yes? Can I help you?" A petite brunette answered the door. She seemed peeved that you were standing there.

"Uh, yeah. I'm your neighbor (Y/N) and I was wondering if you had a screwdriver or drill I could borrow?" You asked, she just rolled her eyes and looked back into the apartment.

"Killer! Your neighbor needs something!" She yelled, she was so loud it caused your eardrums to ring.

"No need to yell. Who is- oh hey (Y/N)." Killer came to the door, his girlfriend let out a scoff and walked back into the apartment.

"Hey, I was just wondering if you had something to put an air grate back in place?" You asked once again.

"An air grate?"

"Yeah, I finally found how Wisp is getting out of the apartment." You explained, you twiddle your thumbs behind your back as you waited for him to say yes or no.

"Sure I'll come over and fix it for you." Killer turned back into his apartment his blond hair swaying behind him.

"You don't have to..." You trailed off as he wasn't listening.

Whatever he can fix it if he wants.

Killer came back with his own power drill in hand as he was closing his apartment door you happened to notice his girlfriend staring daggers at you. You payed no mind to it and led Killer back to your apartment.

"So this is how she gets out. I guess I won't be expecting anymore visits from Wisp." Killer leaned down and placed the grate back over the vent.

"Not unless you don't mind having kittens birthed in your apartment." You softly chuckled, you handed him the screws as he began screwing the grate back into place.

"Kittens? Guess she has some fun while she's out." Killer joked, he was done quickly as it was an easy job.

"Yep, um... if you want a kitten or if you know of anyone who does just let me know. Oh, but Ace has the first pick." You decided it be best to line up potential owners now instead of later on.

"Ace huh, I haven't seen him since high school. I'm not sure about a pet but I'll see if anyone wants one." Killer replied, you weren't sure if you were imagining things but Killer suddenly seemed sad. He left your apartment with a friendly goodbye, but deep down he was angry. He remembered how you ditched going on a date with him, how you ghosted him then showed up to the dance looking absolutely stunning. But you showed up with Ace. Of course you remembered things differently.

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