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"This place is pretty busy." Killer hummed as he gazed over the people getting drunk in the bar.

"You should see it on Fridays and the weekend, it gets busier than this." You said while filling up a pitcher of beer. One of the waiters took it and brought it to a table of customers.

"Busier than this? How do you manage?" Killer questioned he set down his empty cup and you replaced it with another beer

"I got used to it and it helps that Shakky hired servers." You replied. It was nice getting to know Killer again. "What have you been up to since high school?"

"Not much. I went to a trade school for mechanics and about a year ago Kid and I opened up our own mechanics shop." Killer explained.

"Not much? You opened your own garage that's great. It hard for some people to open up their own place." You smiled at him.


"Hey pretty lady." Shanks sauntered over to the bar, he looked like he was drunk already.

"How much have you had to drink already?" You watched as he stumbled a bit to get on the bar stool.

"Not much, I'll take beer." Shanks slurred.

"I think some water is what you need." You filled a glass with some water a handed it to him. "Do you want anything to eat?"

The bar didn't have much in the way of food as most customers only came here to drink. You could make him some nachos or a sandwich though.

"I wanna eat you up." Shanks giggled like a school girl. You just rolled your eyes already used to his drunken behavior.

Killer of course knew nothing about Shanks and bristled with jealousy as the red head continued to flirt with you. He tried to get a word in but was continously got cut off by the red head. You noticed this and found it slightly amusing.

"Shanks this is Killer. Killer this is Shanks, he supplies us with our beer." You decided to introduce the two of them.

"Oh, a new guy. What happened to Niji?" Shanks asked. You knew he was drunk, but it peeved you off to hear about Niji.

"We broke up." Was your short reply. Shanks seemed to sense your slight change in mood despite being drunk and went on to talking about something else. You made him a sandwich and went back to talking to Killer.

"Is he always this flirty?" Killer questioned as he listened to Shanks comment on your appearance for the thousandth time.

"He's a natural flirt, but since he's drunk he's more flirtatious then usual." You replied, you waved at the dark haired gentleman that walked into the bar. His gold eyes zeroed in at the red head slumped over the bar. A glare settling on his face as he walked over. "Hey Mihawk, I'm sorry I had to call you but I couldn't get ahold of Benn."

"Nothing to apologize for. It's this idiots fault for get drunk." Mihawk scoffed at his friend. He sat down next to him though, so you looked for a wine bottle opener. While you were getting him a glass, Mihawk eyed the blond you were talking to when he came him.

"Here you go." You set down a glass of red wine in front of Mihawk along with the bottle.

"Thanks. Now go back to talking to your friend he seems nice. I'll watch this one." Mihawk pointed at Shanks. You nodded your head and went back to talking to Killer.

"Sorry Shanks can be a handful." You chuckled while getting Killer another beer.

"No worries, I mean you our working right now so I can't hog you all to myself at the moment." Killer smirked at you.

"Who's being flirty now?" You smirked back at him. He let out a soft chuckle as he downed his beer and got a glass of water, he had work in the morning and didn't want to be hungover.

"I'm just being honest... I hate how things ended in high school. I want to get to know you again." Killer admitted.

"Yeah it sucks. I don't know Bonney well, but for someone to do that to their own friend seems unthinkable." You stopped talking to listen to an order one of the waiters was asking you to make. You made the three cocktails and handed them to the waiter before turning back to Killer. "I'm looking forward to getting to know you again as well."

Killer smiled at you as he finished his glass of water. He stayed a little longer and talked to you about your day to day and what you did for fun. Around eleven o'clock he had to call it a night and headed home.

You had a smile in your face the rest of your shift, happy that you were getting to know your old high school crush again. When you got home you were in for another suprise, but it was a good one this time.

Wisp was in her pile of blankets in the corner of your room with four nursing kittens tucked next to her.

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