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Visiting with your parents was just what you needed to get your mind off of things. They of course did ask why Niji wasn't with you. You lied and told them that you two naturally drifted apart, you couldn't bring yourself to tell them that he cheated nor did you want to think about it.

Especially since your dad had developed a heart condition. He had good days and bad days and you didn't want to be the cause for a bad day for him. So instead you talked about the upcoming trip your parents were taking. After lunch you went with your parents for a walk around the park, the day was sunny making the outing enjoyable.

When you got home you were both shocked and annoyed to see Killer sitting outside your apartment door.

"Could you please move?" You huffed with your arms crossed.

"(Y/N)... can we please talk?" Killer pleaded.

"There's not much to talk about is there? I mean we were both made fools of." You sighed. Killer stood up and placed a hand on your shoulder.

"I know but can we start over?" Killer gently squeezed your shoulder.

"You mean try dating again? I'm not sure about that." You sighed as you gazed at the floor.

"No that's not what I mean. You just got out of a relationship so I wouldn't want to..." Killer tried to explain himself carefully, he didn't want to say anything that might have you storming off in anger. "Anyways I'm just asking if we can be friends. You are great to hangout with."

You thought it over, even if it was a short time in high school you did enjoy spending time with Killer.

"I guess being friends wouldn't be so bad." You gave Killer a small smile.

"Great. Uh, can I get your number? So I'm not having to sit outside your door all the time." Killer chuckled. You exchanged numbers with him then went into your apartment while he went into his.

Wisp greeted you excitedly and so did someone else that you weren't expecting. You had forgotten that he still had a key to your place.

Niji was sitting on your couch an anxious smile on his face. You had been ignoring his calls and texts, so it wasn't all that surprising that he had let himself into your place.

"What are you doing here?" You glared at him.

"We need to talk." Niji walked towards you, he was getting ready to wrap his arms around your waist. You side stepped him and placed your bag on the couch.

"There's nothing to talk about now get out." You grumbled, you weren't in the mood to talk to him now or ever.

"(Y/N) I love you. Don't toss our relationship out the door."

"I'm tossing it out? You're the one who went and got someone else pregnant." You spat at him.

"That was an accident. She doesn't mean anything to me, so please just stay with me." Niji grabbed ahold of your hand, his forehead resting against yours. "I love you."

"If you loved me you wouldn't have cheated." You stepped away from, there were tears dotting the corners of your eyes. "We're over Niji so leave."

Niji stared at you for a moment, he turned and left his copy of your apartment keys on the counter before leaving. Once the door was shut behind him, you broke down crying. You were furious with him, but you couldn't hate him. You two had been together for three years those feelings wouldn't go away over night.

You laughed as you watched Wisp drag a blanket across the room. It was getting close to the day her kittens would be born and she had gone into a nesting faze. You had gotten her a cat bed some time ago but she completely ignored it. Instead she dragged the throw blankets off your couch and dragged them into a corner in your room.

You didn't mind, you found it cute actually. Especially when she would lie down in the pile blankets and be completely swallowed up by them. You would send Killer pictures of Wisp in her blanket pile.

At first you found it awkward to text Killer, you had mostly talked to him in passing as a neighbor. But now that you were friends with him you were suddenly unsure on what to talk to him about. Luckily he was easy to talk to and he lived getting the pictures of Wisp.

"I gotta go now." You gave Wisp a peck on the head. You were off to work, it was a Tuesday night  and it was usually slower at the bar during the week. So you had invited Killer to come along.

"Ready to go?" Killer was stepping out of his apartment at the same time as you. He was wearing faded blue jeans and a black top that hugged his muscles perfectly.

"Um, uh, yeah." You mumbled as you finished locking your door. You shook your head as you followed him out of the apartment building. Being friends with him seemed easier said then done, you were starting to remember the things you liked about him back in high school.

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