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"What do you think?" You showed your outfit off to Wisp. She was on her pile of blankets watching her kittens crawl about on the floor.

You were going to the car show with Killer today. You had on black jeans and a maroon coloured crop top, you paired the outfit with some black converse. You had your hair up in a ponytail and kept your makeup simple.

You went and made sure Wisp had enough food and water. You made up a small mixture of kitten kibble and wet food, Wisp's kittens still nursed off her but you were slowly introducing them to kibble. Afterwards you gave Wisp and her kittens way too many kisses before leaving your apartment and knocking on the door of Killer's.

"Hey you ready to go?" Killer opened the door. He had on blue jeans ripped in the knees and a black t-shirt that hugged his muscles nicely.

"Yep, we taking my car or yours?" You pulled yourself away from staring at his muscles.

"We'll take mine." Killer led you through the car park to his blue truck.

"Is this Betty? You still have her?" The truck had some rust around the edges but besides that it still looked the same from high school.

"I kept her in good shape. I'm suprised you still remember her." Killer opened the passenger door for you, you hopped in and waited for him to get in the driver's side before speaking again.

"Of course I remember... it was a very good date." You admitted a shy smile on your face.

"That's good I liked it too." Killer started up his truck and drove out of the parking lot. The car show was out of town at a farmers field that was rented out for events. You ended up playing a game of eye spy with Killer, it didn't work to well with him focusing on the road. It turned into a bit of a fun game, especially when you guys came across Kid in his car on the road. You flipped him off and the red head started yelling something at you that you couldn't hear through the car window.

You laughed when Killer sped off ahead of his friend. It turned into a bit of a race as Kid sped up as well, luckily there weren't that many cars on the road. When the guys did come across a car they went around it with such ease that you almost thought they did racing on occasion.

Killer won just a hair when he turned into the lane for the car show before Kid. He didn't give his friend any room to pass him and found a parking spot before Kid.

"That was awesome." You said with a giddy smile on your face.

"I'm glad you liked it. Now if I had your Mario Kart racing skills I could have done laps around him." Killer chuckled, you laughing along with him. You only stopped when Kid came over furiously knocking on Killer's window.

Killer got of the truck and so did you, before you even rounded the truck to join the two you could already hear Kid going on about how Killer cheated.

"We won fair and square." You interjected into the conversation.

"The hell you guys did, you had a head start." Kid barked back.

"You were a head of us on the road." You pointed out. Kid opened and closed his mouth as he tried to  come up with a response. Killer snickered at his friend as you followed him over to the entrance, Kid trailing behind you two. The line to get in was short most people were already perusing the cars.

"So where do we start?" You asked after you guys got stamped on the hand with a little car. This was your first time at a car show and this one looked pretty grad. Most of the cars were pretty standard, but you could spot a few that had been modified.

"Well I'm going this way." Kid pointed in some random direction. He stopped to whisper something in Killer's ear that had the blond swatting his friend in the shoulder.

"Let's go this way." Killer placed his had on your lower back and led you over to the cars that had been modified. It was louder in this area as most of the owners of the cars had the engines on to show people how all the modifications worked. You didn't understand most of the car lingo that was being spoken, Killer obviously did though. He spoke with the owners about the different modifications and how much everything cost.

"Sorry this must be pretty boring for you." Killer sighed, he noticed that you weren't very talkative when people were explaining how their cars worked.

"Not at all. I just don't understand much about cars. They all look really nice though. Besides it's nice seeing you in your element." You reassured him.

"My element?"

"Yeah, you know a lot about cars. It's cool how you can talk so in depth about them." You explained.

"Good I'm glad I'm not boring you." Killer chuckled, he looked over at a man that gave him a thumbs up. "Anyways we're taking one of these bad boys for a spin."

You smiled at that taking one of these cars for a drive seemed like a lot of fun. The owner drove his 1970 Dodge Challenger over to road that had been blocked off so the cars could be tested on it. To your suprise another car was brought over and people gathered on the side of the road.

"You see those red flags? That's the finish line." Killer pointed to the flags.

"Finish line? Are you racing?" You questioned him.

"No, you are." Killer smirked as he opened the driver's door for you.

"Me? I don't know anything about racing." You shook your head.

"Don't worry, it's just a straight path. People like seeing which cars are faster. You'll be fine." Killer gave you a reassuring smile. You thought otherwise, but got into the car anyways. The owner of the car gave you a quick rundown of how the car worked, luckily you knew how to drive a manual.

Killer went back over to the side lines, Kid was already there and Heat and Wire had joined up with him. They all had their phones out ready to record you. You felt a little nervous to say the least, your hands were sweaty against the steering wheel. While the guy next to you looked ready to go.

You focused back on the road ahead of you, a lady wearing overalls and a t-shirt came over with a large checkered flag. She stood between the two cars and raised the flag. She held it for a moment before swinging it back and forth signaling for you two to go.

A gasp left your lips as you pressed down on the accelerator the force of the car knocking you further into the seat. The speed of the car was so great that everything outside the windows looked like a blur. You weren't nervous anymore that was for sure, you pressed down harder on the accelerator as you let out excited chuckles.

You almost didn't notice the flags you were enjoying yourself so much. You slowed down once you past them, you weren't even sure if you won. You looked out the window to see your opponent passing the finish line after you. You smiled to yourself happy that you won. Turning the car around you drove back towards the start line at a slower pace.

As soon as you were out of the car Killer and his friends were right next to you congratulating you over your victory.

"That was awesome." Heat smiled at you, Wire agreeing with what his friend just said.

"I didn't know you could drive like that." Kid commented.

"See I told you'd do fine. All that Mario Cart came in handy." Killer grinned at you. With the adrenaline still running in your veins it gave you a boost of confidence. You grabbed the collar of his short and pulled him closer to you.

You pressed your lips against his, his lips feeling perfect against yours. The crowd around you guys cheered and wolf whisteled you both on. You just ignored them as you continued to kiss Killer, something you've wanted to do for awhile now.

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