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"Hmm, you have a smile on your face but you're moving kind of slow. I'm guessing you had some good sex." Shakky said, causing you to stop polishing the glass you hand in your hands and look at her in shock. Her statement wouldn't be so bad if you two were alone, but Shanks was sat at the bar with his two friends Mihawk and Benn.

"Oh, is that what it is? I was wondering what had (Y/N) in such a good mood." Shanks chuckled.

"Wha- how did you know?" You glanced over at your boss.

"I'm good at reading people." Was her simple reply. She grabbed a bottle of whiskey and poured herself, Benn, and Shanks some before disappearing into the back room.

You poured Mihawk some more red wine, you have never seen him drink anything else but wine.

"So who's the lucky guy?" Shanks asked, you were hoping he'd drop the conversation but that didn't seem to be the case.

"Isn't she dating Niji?" Benn asked his friend, like you weren't standing right there to answer the question yourself.

"You didn't hear? They broke up, Niji had another girlfriend that he knocked up." Shanks explained to his friend. You glared at the two casually talking about your love life.

"I have a new boyfriend." You spoke up, they both gave you cheeky grins knowing they had annoyed you by talking like you weren't there.

"And who is this new boyfriend?" You were suprised that Mihawk was the one asking, but then again the conversation was happening right in front of him. If anything he probably just wanted the conversation to be done and over with.

"His name is Killer. We dated in high school for a bit."

"Why did you two stop dating?" Shanks asked, he wanted all the juicy details.

"Oh, look customers. I gotta go take their order." You grabbed a pen and notepad and made your way over to the table where three people had just sat down. You really didn't have to go over and take their order, since you were the bartender people typically came up to the bar to order and would wait while you made the order. If the wait staff was in then they would go around taking and bringing people their orders. You just didn't want to talk about your love life with Shanks.

When you got back to the counter you were glad to see Shanks had dropped the topic. He was too busy being called a 'reckless idiot' by Mihawk and having Benn laugh at him. You topped off their drinks and then made the drinks for the customers that just came in before taking it to them.

It was a slow week day night, one of the waiters came in two hours later to help with the small growing crowd. Mihawk left before his two companions, the dark haired gentleman giving you a curt nod and slipping away before Shanks could notice he was gone. The red head would have found some way to make him stay if he did.


Life was going good. You and Killer spent a lot of time together, it was easy with you two living next to each other. The sex was to die for and you two did it often. Work was good too, Shakky was opening up a second bar where you'd be both bartender and manger. It would take sometime getting used to being a manager, but you were excited for the pay increase.

Wisp's kittens had also all gone to good homes. You were a little sad to see the last two go, but you knew Mihawk and Robin would take good care of their new kittens.

You were at Killer's work place today, your car was giving you some problems and he offered to look it over. You were sitting in the reception area with Wire, he was showing you pictures of his kitten which he decided to name Casper.

Kid and Heat were around as well working on cars. Every now and then they would pop in and tell Wire the name of a part they needed ordered in.

"You can try tin foil on the side of the couch or spray some peppermint on it. Cats don't like the smell." You were giving Wire some tips on how to stop his cat scratching his furniture. The bell over the door chimed as a customer came in, it was someone you were hoping to never have to see again.

Of all the mechanic shops in town, Niji just had to come into the one your boyfriend worked at.

"I need my car looked over, the engine keeps giving me problems. (Y/N)?" Niji finally looked up and noticed you sitting behind the desk. He rushed up to the desk before you could even move, he reached over clasping his hand on your wrist.

Wire bristled next you, but you waved him off letting him know things were fine. He sat back in his seat and smirked, separating the reception area from the actual garage was a wall. There was a door for the mechanics to easily walk between the two spaces and a large window that took up most of the wall.

Niji didn't notice this window, he should have though maybe then he would have seen your blond boyfriend walking over.

"(Y/N) please we need to talk. I'm not with Crystal, I don't want her or the baby. Just you." Niji begged, what he said disgusted you. You hated that he had cheated on you, and while you wanted nothing to do with her, you didn't hate her. You couldn't believe Niji said he didn't want his own child.

"Niji let go of me, there's no us anymore. And even if you don't want to be with Crystal you should still be there for your child." You tried to wiggle out of his hold, but he refused to let go of you.


"Would you please let go of my girlfriend sir." Killer came into the room there was a deep growl to his voice as came up behind, his arm going around your waist. A satisfied smirk spread across your face as Niji looked between you and Killer with a sour look on his face.

"Out of one relationship and into a new one. Guess you never cared." Niji spat, he was trying to make you seem like the bad guy.

"I cared Niji, I really did. I wasn't the one who got into a relationship while I was still in one. So don't try and make me into some uncaring bitch." You glared at him, you had no more tears to shed over him. Especially not after what he just said. "Oh, and you might want to take your car somewhere else because it's not getting fixed here."

Niji stared at you for a moment trying to thinking of something to say. He kept his mouth shut though, Killer was easily twice his size and Wire was glaring at him from his seat. You ex just turned around to leave a few swears leaving his mouth.

"Are you alright?" Killer asked, he spun you around to face him, his hand going to the wrist that Niji was previously gripping.

"I'm fine. He's just an ass, I thought he'd be there for his own kid." You sighed, as you rested your head against his chest.

"I'm sure he was just saying anything to get you back. He is an ass though." Killer chuckled.

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