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Luffy jumped straight out of your car as soon as you parked it, the energetic male tackling his older brother Thatch into the sand as soon as he got to him.

You, Niji, and Sanji got out of the car a lot calmer compared to your friend. Sanji went over to Nami and Robin as soon as he spotted the two laying on their beach towels.

"Hey guys." You decided to set up your beach towel next to theirs, Niji placing his own next to yours. He undid the buttons on his white button up shirt, he already had his blue swim trunks on. You slid out of your shorts and crop top, the matching blue bikini that Niji had bought you already on underneath your clothes.

"Hey (Y/N). How are things at the bar? I haven't seen you in awhile." Robin greeted you.

"Good, business is doing well. How's the museum?" You asked while fishing a bottle of sunscreen out of your bag. As soon as you found it Niji took it from your hands and started applying sunscreen to your back.

"Very good. I get to go on a dig in Alabasta next week." Robin chirped.

"Can you bring me back a top or dress? I really like the fashion style they have there." Nami chimed into the conversation. She had been busy on her phone sending what looked like an angry text to some guy.

Luffy soon came over with Thatch, the older male's hair covered in sand thanks to his brother. They chatted with you guys for a bit before Luffy skipped off to say hello to his friend Law.

You sat with Niji on your towel stealing kisses from every now and then while still chatting with your friends. His phone rang with an incoming call from his dad so he went to answer it and you decided to go talk with Ace. Your freckled friend was hanging out by a cooler with Zoro both of them sipping on some beers.

"Hey you made it." Ace pulled you into a side hug as soon as you were close enough.

"I did say I was coming." You chuckled, Zoro reached into the cooler and pulled out another beer. He popped off the cap before handing it to you. "Thanks, how have you been greenie?"

"Good, you?" Zoro wasn't always much for words but you were used to at this point in your friendship. You talked with him for a bit before he wondered off to hangout with a women named Tashigi.

"So don't be mad, but Killer's coming to the party." You quickly whispered to your freckled friend once Zoro had left.

"What? (Y/N) it sounded like you just said Killer is coming." Ace had a frown on his face. While you were pretty much over your old high school relationships, Ace was still peeved about it.

"I did. Luffy sorta invited him." You mumbled, you didn't want to sell out the younger brother. But Ace would hound you until you gave him all the details so you decided it was just best to tell him. Plus it was better to tell him now before Killer and his friends showed up, and Ace got into an argument with them.

"How did he sorta invite him?"

"Well you see Killer moved into my building not too long ago. And we happened to run into him while we were leaving. And since Luffy is friendly towards everyone he invited him. Oh and Kid, Heat, and Wire are coming with him as well." You quickly explained to your friend.

"I can't blame Luffy for being so nice." Ace ran a hand through his black locks, he took a sip of his beer as he thought things over. "I can shoe them away."

"Don't do that, I'm over the whole thing." You pleaded with your friend.

"Hugh, fine. No fighting today." Ace smirked he finished up his beer and tossed it into the bag garage bag he brought for empty cans. "Do you and Niji want to try out the jet ski's?"

You sucked at using a jet ski, you had fallen off of it numerous times. It was still fun though and after you'd fallen into the water for a sixth time, you got Niji to take you around on the jet ski.


"This place is packed." Kid commented as he gazed out at the beach. By now the beach party was in full swing. Ace and his brothers had a lot of friends and they were all pretty much here.

"It's just like back in high school." Wire chuckled, he unzipped his hoodie but left it on showing off his bare chest. The others took off their tops leaving them in their swim trunks.

"Hey Killer!" Luffy came bounding over to the little group. Kid had already wandered off onto the beach, mixing in with the other people of the party.

"Nice party you got going here. Um, where's (Y/N)?" Killer scanned the beach to see if he could spot you.

"Hmm, she's with Niji somewhere." Luffy shrugged his shoulders.


"Yeah, her boyfriend. C'mon let's go get some food." Luffy grabbed the blond's wrist and dragged him towards the foods table. Killer followed behind disheartingly.

You sat curled up to Niji on your beach towel. The sun was starting to set and you two were taking a little break from the party activities.

"I found a new allergy medication it's supposed to work really good, so you and Wisp can move in any time. Well after you sold her kittens, my place only allows one pet per a tenant." Niji told you.

"Really? That's great." You tossed your arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss.


You pulled away from the lip lock to look up at the shocked lady standing in front of you two. She was petite thing with long blonde hair, she was wearing a pink bikini that showed off her very pregnant belly. You were suprised that someone who looked so far a long was at this hectic beach party.

"Shit." Niji mumbled under his breath as he ruffled his blue hair.

"Niji who is this?" You asked your boyfriend.

"I'm his girlfriend Crystal. Who are you?" She spat, she had tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

You were shocked as you looked between your boyfriend and Crystal. You removed his arms from around you as you stood up from the beach towel.

"(Y/N), listen I can explain." Niji was quick to get to his feet. Some of the party goers were now listening in on what was going on.

"Explain what Niji, we've been together for seven months." Crystal whined.

Seven month?

You stared at your boyfriend in disbelief, he was just asking you to move in. You were suprised with yourself as well, you never noticed that anything was off with him.

"I told you Crystal I'm not interested in you. I love (Y/N)." Niji hissed at the blonde.

"We've been together seven months." She said once again.

"And we've been together three years." You smirked at her before it turned into a frown as you glared at your boyfriend.

"T-three years?" Crystal looked shocked and a little quilty as she looked at you. By now the whole party was staring at you three, Nami was at the front of the group and came over to wrap a comforting arm around you.

"Yeah but I guess that doesn't mean shit." You spat as you turned to leave.

"(Y/N) wai-"

"Don't fucking touch me!" You hissed as you tossed Niji's hand off your shoulder. You continued to walk away from him with Nami by your side.


"She said leave her alone." Ace blocked Niji from getting to you. Your friend not budging as your now ex-boyfriend tried to get past him.

As you walked through the crowd you spotted Killer amongst everyone. Seeing him just angered you more.

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