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"Get a room you guys!" Kid barked at you and Killer for the tenth time. You chuckled shyly as you pulled away from Killer's lips, the blond giving his friend the middle finger.

"I think it's cute." Heat shushed Kid.

"Besides they're just kissing, you and Bonney basically undress each other in front of everyone before heading off to some room." Wire pointed out.

"Yeah well that ain't happening anymore." Kid grumbled as he slumped into the picnic table you guys were sitting at. After your little race and kissing Killer, you all came to the consession area for lunch.

"Kid broke up with Bonney, there's a slim chance they might get back together. But for now he's extra moody." Killer whispered in your ear, you nodded in understanding. You stared at the red head with his face firmly planted into the table.

"Hey Kid I bet you can't beat me." You smirked at the red head, he peeled himself off the table and glared at you.

"Beat you at what?" Kid furrowed his brows.

"That." You pointed over to a sign for a snow cone eating contest. The sign said whoever could eat fifty snow cones in fifteen minutes wins a snow cone machine and a hundred dollar cash prize. So far no one has managed to eat enough snow cones within the fifteen minutes.

"Like you can out eat me shrimp." Kid got up from the table and walked over to the contest. You giggled to yourself as you followed behind the red head, Killer followed you two over. Not to join but so he could record you guys scarfing down a bunch of snow cones.

"The only rule is that you guys can only use one hand." The lady in charge of the contest told you and Kid as you both sat at the wooden table with a blue tarp over it. Two workers came over with trays full of snow cones. "Okay on your marks get started go!"

You immediately started shoveling snow cones after snow cones into your mouth. While you couldn't eat as much as Ace you did learn one of the many ways he was able to eat so much food. He literally inhaled most of what he ate. Now while you didn't needed to chew snow cones, they were just shaved ice with syrup, eating in the same manner that Ace did certainly helped

You weren't trying to win though just make it look like you took this competition seriously. You were really just trying to cheer Kid up, he seemed all mopey even if he wouldn't say so.

There was five minutes left on the clock, you'd eaten thirty snow cones already and your bladder felt ready to bust. Kid only had two snow cones left so you slowed down on your eating and watched as he finished of the last of his snow cones.

"And we have a winner!" The same lady from before announced, the small crowd that had gathered clapped their hands as Kid smiled in victory. You wanted to congratulate him as well, but your bladder was way too full. You stood from the table and pushed past the small crowd as you raced to the nearest portable bathroom.

"There she is! You were in there awhile, did all those anow cones go straight to your bladder?" Heat teased as you joined back up with the guys.

"You ate more then I thought shrimp." Kid smirked down at you, next to him was the box that contained his new snow cone machine.

"I ate too much. My stomach hurts." You groaned as you rubbed your stuffed belly. You had no idea how Ace and his brothers ate so much and didn't get sick.

"You did good though. I guess we should head out." Killer started walking with you towards the parking lot. The sun was starting to set and most people had already left the car show.

"We'll see you guys some other time." Wire waved goodbye, him and Heat took the same car here and were going to stay a little while longer.

"I'm gonna head out as well." Kid followed you two to the parking lot. He loaded his snow cone machine into his car and said bye to you and Killer before speeding off.

"So did you wanna get any food in thr way back or..." Killer trailed off as he opened the passenger door of his truck for you.

"No food." You shook your head. The mention of food at this moment made you feel sicker.

"Got it." Killer closed the door behind you and got in on the driver's side. He cracked the windows open and drove slower then when you guys were coming here, in hopes that you would feel better. You were glad that he wasn't speeding down the highway, it made it easier for him to pull over so you could find a bush and pee behind it. Those snow cones were really traveling fast to your bladder.

"You feeling any better?" Killer asked as soon as you two were in front of your separate apartment doors.

"A little. I would invite you in but..."

"No worries. I'll settle on this." Killer leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. His tongue pushed past your lips and tangled with your own for a moment that felt all to btief before he pulled away. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." You sighed happily.

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