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"I am not even fucking drunk" I tried my best not to yell, but the swearing just slipped out. I shook my head, "I am not even drunk" I repeated. Y/N sat at the stool of the bar gawking at me with raised eyebrows. We had been invited to a friend's birthday party in New York for the weekend. We were at a club in a populated area of the city that I had been to enough times to remember it. Y/N wasn't too keen on staying as late as it already was, but we never go out like this anymore. I indulged and may have gotten a little too drunk for my liking, but refused to admit it out loud.
"Yea, okay Justin" Y/N spoke, turning away from me, taking a sip of the drink she'd been babysitting most of the night. Fine, I thought, if she wanted to be like this then I'll just make it harder for her to ignore me. I made my way to the unoccupied stage and got everyone's attention, "Aye yo DJ, turn the fuckin mic on for me real quick" I shouted and nodded after hearing the high-pitch ring. "Where's the birthday girl?" I scanned the crowd looking at everyone's smiling faces, "Naomi, where you at girl?!" A group of people made a commotion near the middle of the room and I eventually saw Namoi raise her champagne glass in the air. "Happy Birthday beautiful, thank you for having Y/N and me, we love you, this one's for you!" As I spoke out to everyone I kept my eye on Y/N who still had her back to me. I internally groaned before walking off the stage, heading toward the DJ. Making my way back to Y/N, 'In Da Club' played as per my request, and the party got louder with singing, whistling, and cheering. A job well done on my part would sure enough be deserving of some recognition, but of course, when I got to Y/N, she still held an unimpressed look.
"So come give me a hug, if you into gettin rubbed" I mouthed the rather explicit song, knowing Y/N might not be able to resist. As expected she scrunched up her nose and gave me a side-eye. I smiled, then puckered my lips for a kiss, which she obliged to.
"Argh" she wiped her mouth, "you taste so bad" she let out a slight laugh. This was only minor progress. I smirked and grabbed her hand, dragging her along to the middle of the dance floor. We passed by a bottle service girl, and I quickly grasped a bottle and took a huge mouth full. Y/N tugged on my arm but I couldn't make out her words anymore. I was spinning ever so slightly, feeling the notion of euphoria kick in. Another song came on just as hype as the last one as I took Y/N by the waist, spinning her around, guiding her hips to sway with mine.
"Can you feel me?" I asked her with my body up against the back of hers. "Can you feel just how much I need you?" I let myself relax, closing my eyes and tilting my head back, focusing on our rhythm. She gave in, pushing herself into me, moving her butt in side-to-side motions.
"You feel so good" I spoke close to her ear, and she shook her head.
"You're so drunk J", she kept dancing but turned around to place her arms around my neck.
"I am not fuckin drunk", this time my words were slurred, earning a giggle out of Y/N, "I am just in love with you". I smiled idiotically, like a child.


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