Before I Knew You

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"Hey! I don't think you guys have ever actually met, right?" I shook my head no, and smiled keeping my eyes on him. He stuck his hand out and pulled me in for a light hug. He looked me up and down and held his jaw clenched. His facial features stood out and matched his perfectly outlined hair under his hat.
"Nah, Jaden I am sure we have...or maybe I've just been hoping I would, soon enough. Wouldn't be able to forget a pretty face like that" he said. He winked in my direction and showed off his pearly whites. What an arrogant asshole, I thought to myself. I tilted my head to the side and pursed my lips together. Justin gawked at me, from my lack of reaction. I looked at Jaden unimpressed and raised my eyebrows just before walking away. Jaden ran after me and gently held my shoulder,
"Hey woah, what's up with the attitude? I thought you'd be excited, or something," he shrugged.
"Not everybody buckles at the knees when meeting sir Justin Bieber, J. Certainly not after whatever that was" I emphasized and scoffed. Jaden was about to speak, but I cut him off before he could protest against me, "go, go its your New Years party! Go welcome people, I'll be around don't worry," I kissed Jaden's cheek and went to find Willow.
"Hey, hey, hey," I said getting to the bottom of the basement stairs, followed my a hug that almost took me down to the floor. I kissed the top of Willow's head, shocked by how much taller she'd gotten since the last time I was here. Being a Smith's household regular, I often hung out with Willow when there were gatherings of lots of people, to give my ears a break. Which might also be the reason for never officially meeting Justin face to face.
"How was your birthday? I am sorry I missed it, did you get my gift I sent?" I poked her side. She nodded and thanked me, showing me more pictures aside from the ones on Instagram. In one of the family pictures I noticed Justin standing beside Will, putting his fuck boy face on. This guy, I thought and rolled my eyes. I checked my watch reading, 11:07pm. I felt a bit nervous in the pit of my stomach, knowing I'd have to ring in the new year with Justin in the same room. I wondered if he'd try to talk to me again...or even kiss me? I sunk into the couch letting my theories wonder. He does look good, it wouldn't be the worse thing in the world, especially because his lips look so kissable and soft. I bit down on my own and help back a giggle. What the fuck is up with me, I thought. He's still an asshole, I reasoned with myself, trying to come up with any excuse not to give it. A buzzing brought me out of my thoughts, checking the time, now 11:30. A notification from Shots Studios, the new app that Justin seemingly created, appeared on the screen. I downloaded it a bit ago with the intention of only following close friends, yet somehow Justin appeared on my timeline. '1 minute ago' a selfie of himself with a yellow smiley face sticker on his cheek with the caption, 'almost time 😙'. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. God he's hot! I confessed in my mind throwing my head back. Willow was too occupied with her cousins and friends to noticed my distress. Which is good, all I ever do is complain about Justin and she claims I like him. If she notices, she'll never let it go. I tried tuning in to the NYC ball drop happening in Time Square that was playing on tv, but even that had me wondering. I pictured Justin preforming, minutes before midnight only to pull me up on stage, carry me bridal style and kiss me. Ugh, no! I don't like him, I snapped out of it.
"I need a drink", I waved to Willow and assumed I'd see her upstairs for 'Happy New Year'. Upstairs, I found nobody worth talking to within my vicinity, but saw Justin talking to someone from the corner of my eye. I stayed blocked from his view so I could see him but he couldn't see me. As I turned back from grabbing a mini shot bottle, Justin was gone. I scanned the people in front of me to see if he got mixed in with crowd. I went up on my healed toes, but that wasn't much help either.
"Looking for someone?"
"Oh shit!" I stumbled back and held my chest. Justin stood casually in front of me, chuckling and most likely amused.
"I saw you eyeing me," he spoke, standing close to me so he wouldn't have to shout over the music.
"I don't think I was. You just caught me as I happened to stop mid gaze... I was actually looking for someone else". Not ready for this conversation I took the shot, as it gave me chills all through my body. Justin took a step closer to doubt there would be anybody I would find worthy of being spoken too. Taken back by the fact that he basically read my mind, I felt a sudden self consciousness. Not only that but I could smell his icy mint breath and I felt embarrassed that mine probably smelt of rubbing alcohol. I glanced down at my watch that read, 11:47. Holy shit, what do I do.
    "Maybe if you can keep up, you'll be deemed worthy", I flirted and walked away. I found a bathroom and freshened up faster then I've ever done before. As I opened the door I could see him coming my way through the amount of people. I felt excited and anxious all at once. I hated this guy and yet I've never wanted him this bad in my life. I stopped to give him a chance at finding me.
    "Finally, are you having me work for it or what?" He rasped. I couldn't tell if he'd been drinking earlier or not but he was surely prepared. I felt dominated and small by his presence. I shrugged and held his forearm guiding it to my waist. He came closer and placed a kiss on my cheek, followed by more down my neck. He smelt so good. I was weakened by his touch, I felt it when he hugged me earlier but ignored the sensation. Now giving myself in to his trance, I brought my hand to the back of his neck and slid his hat of. I wrestled with his knotted hair between my fingers. He brought his head back to face mine, I looked into his hazelnut eyes and he looked into mine. I felt ashamed that sexualized male attention made me give up so easily on how I previously thought about Justin. I hated everything about him, his attitude, the cockiness, the females you saw on tabloids with him, even the guys he hung around. He's mixed in with the wrong crowd, I don't blame him, but how much of it all is a show. Deep down I was convinced that this wasn't the real him. The real him stood looking into my eyes, part of him pleaded for help, and the other part was hungry for lust.
"Happy New Year, Jasmine" he spoke low and slow to me before placing his plump lips on mine.


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