Catching Feelings

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Justin's POV
   As the sun came up on another morning, I woke up to the sound of an annoying ringtone, coming from my bedside table. I quickly answered so it wouldn't disturb Y/N who was still sound asleep.
   "Hey Scoot" I rasped out. As he spoke I tuned him out, admiring the beauty that laid so peacefully beside me. She was on her stomach, resting her head on the pillow with a hand near her face, showing off her yellow chipped nail polish. Her lips a light shade of pink and slightly parted, letting out little snores. Her almost auburn brown hair was sprawled out everywhere, giving off the smell of shampoo. I wanted nothing more but to hold her and call her mine, kiss her whenever I wanted, and  tell her I loved her. My mind almost never wakes up without her on it and I even see her in my dreams sometimes. I pondered on this fake scenario I had created in my head, before getting brought back to reality.
"...anyways, it should be sorted out for you now so next time you get a chance, take a look at the schedule, okay?" Having no clue what he had spent the last few minutes talking about, I simply said okay and hung up. As I stretched my body back to the side table to put my phone back, I felt movement under the sheets.
"Did we fall asleep?" Y/N asked with her eyes squinted peeking at the 'Are You Still Watching?' prompt on the screen.
"Yea" I chuckled, "I guess we did". I lied through my teeth feeling guilty that in truth she had fallen asleep about half way through the movie, but I didn't want to wake her. In my head we're already together, and I try to keep it together sometimes but last night I simply couldn't. I was selfish and should have considered maybe she wouldn't of felt comfortable staying in my bed, had we not accidentally fallen asleep.
   "I didn't think we'd fall asleep, we didn't do much yesterday to be tired enough to fall asleep together. We haven't done that since we were... I don't even remember" I watched her focusing on something in the room, trying to think back to when we were kids most likely, "this high" she stuck her arm up to show a short measurement. She was right though. I hadn't thought anything of it till just now, that maybe we shouldn't make a habit of it, as much as I wish we could.
   "Have you been awake long, you must be you hungry?" Y/N questioned, breaking the slight tension, and sitting up to check the time.
   "Always," I answered. She smiled and got up out of bed. I watched as she made her way around the bed to the door. She wore black pj shorts, which showed off her round butt perfectly, and a slightly oversized crewneck. She turned her head before going out the door and I was quick to avert my eyes to the floor, although I am pretty sure she caught me.
   As we carried on conversation between batches of pancakes, a weather warning lit up our phones, alerting us about a severe thunder storm.
   "Aw shit...should I leave now and try to make it home before it starts?" Y/N looked at me with worried across her face. I glanced at the time, and thought for a second before answering. I really don't want her to go. For some reason today my feelings were pushing the limits of how much repressed anxiousness I get sometimes when I am around her. She gives me butterflies and she doesn't even know.
   "Um... maybe not. What if you leave and it starts and something happens. It might be best you stay here, and if it clears up by nighttime you could go if you still wanted to?" She considered the idea for a moment.
"Are you sure?" She asked tapping her index finger on her chin. I nodded and proceeded to take the last bite of my breakfast. Once again trying to compose myself I tried not to let it show, but I was very excited, and hoped she'd stay.
"Ah what the hell, I'll stay. Your probably right anyways. Better safe than sorry".
   Once we finished and cleaned up, I went to the living room to watch some TV, while Y/N went upstairs to wash up. The room got dark and gloomy eventually resulting in a light pitter patter of rain against the windows. This type of weather always calls for video games.
   "J, I have an idea," I heard Y/N hauler from down the hall, making her way to the living room. I hummed, as she plopped herself down beside me, to let her know I was listening. She started to explain something but I was too caught up in the cross fire of COD, until the 'Power Off' screen came up. In confusion I turned my head to see Y/N with her arms crossed and eyebrows raised.
   "You weren't listening!" She exclaimed, and I gave her a light smile and sat to face her so she now had my undivided attention. But as soon as I had, I was already distracted by my thoughts to pay attention. I watched her facial expressions change when she talked, or how her dimples appeared when she said certain words, and how her eyebrows came together in unison. I smiled when she looked over to me for a split second to make sure I was still listening (which I wasn't). She continued talking about whatever it was she was talking about, I couldn't help but swoon over her. I just had to tell her that I loved her, and not just as a fri—.
   "What?" Y/N spoke catching me off guard, and looked at me funny.
   "What, did I miss something?" I questioned completely confused.
   "You just said, 'I love you' ". My body tensed up when she told me what I said. Shit. What am I supposed to do?
   "Um... I didn't mean to say that o-out loud" I stuttered feeling my nerves build up inside, it felt like I was gonna throw up.  Y/N raised an eyebrow, looking straight at me for a few seconds and then out of nowhere a began to laugh.
   "Why are you laughing, what's so funny?" I wasn't sure whether to laugh as well or be concerned. She held her chest to catch her breath, as her laughter died down.
   "Spill it J. Who's the mystery girl" she demanded.
   "There's n-no myste—".
   "Lies!" She half shouted, "Nobody says what there thinking out loud like that unless it's really important. You can tell me, I won't tell." She smirked, sticking out her pinky finger, "I promise" she smirked.
   "You" I whispered.
   "Me?" She said, pointing to her self.
   "I think... ," you got this Justin, I chanted in my head.
   "I-I think I love you" I breathed out, not ready for what she might say. For a minute she didn't say anything but instead she looked away from me, I could tell she was trying to think of something to say that wouldn't hurt my feelings.
   "I am sorry I just had to get it off my chest". I got up from the couch and walked up to my room.

   "I think... ," he paused for a moment, "I-I think I love you" his breath was shaky. Oh my god, oh my god. I panicked in my head. What do I say to someone who's confessing their love. He loves me. Well at least her thinks he does, but I'll take it. I've always loved Justin more than a friend, but I never thought anything of it, I mean have you seen the guy. But even still, just because of his career and the kind of girls he's always hanging out with, I would never think he'd be attracted me to that way. We've been friends for forever, I always brushed off any feelings that would rise to the surface out of fear. Fearing that we'd lose what we ahead have if we let our emotions take over. Every now and then I'd catch him stare, or even on days he over compliments me I noticed it was always a different kind of attention. Never the less maybe it wouldn't hurt to try?
   "I am sorry I just had to get it off my chest". Justin confessed shyly, getting up from the couch and walking out of the room. I wanted to run after him and tell him how I felt too, but something inside me couldn't build up the courage just yet. For a good 20 minutes I paced back and forth across the room.
"Ok. Just go up there, tell him how you feel. No hesitations. How hard could it be?" I prep talked myself in hopes it would ease my nerves. Already hesitating, I walked up the steps to Justin's room. Every step I took, my stomach did flips and turns. Finally, making it up the last step and around the corner. I stared at his closed door for what felt like forever. You got this, I encouraged in my head. I knocked twice before he opened it. His face was strained with tears and his eyes were blood shot red.
   "Y/N you don't—". I stopped him before he could start, walking past him and sitting on his bed.
   "I've already thought this through, I know our friendship won't get ruined because we've already known each other for so long, we practically live together, and we even sleep in the same bed! At this point all we'd be adding to our relationship is the physicalities and emotions...if you think you love me, I am ready for what comes next because, well, I love you too" I ended my speech with a breath. I was anxious to hear what Justin had to say. He sniffled and couldn't help but try and restrict his smile.
"You do?" He grinned, "I mean I always suspected that maybe you might but it's hard to tell you know. We have our moments of flirtations but I never wanted to just assume, right..." he trailed off. I got up quietly from the bed and stood looking up at Justin who seemed timid and unsure. I nodded, leaning in to plant a kiss on his lips. He held his eyes open for a second, taken back by my actions, but closed them all together as he gave in to the kiss. He brought a hand to my cheek, pressing his palm into my face every so slightly. My head spun as it felt like just another one of my dreams. All my senses were heightened and my nerve endings tingled. Although I was scared for what the future held I didn't cats because this is all I ever wanted. 


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