Second Emotion

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   Y/N and I were in the car on our way to dinner I had reserved for a team date night. She was dressed beautifully in a tight dress paired with a long jacket, and heels you could hear before you saw her; as I wore a textured blouse and dress pants. I rested my hand on her leg as I steered with the other, looking over at her every chance I got. Once we got to the restaurant we greeted everyone and waited for a few stragglers. As I sat in my seat, I kept having to adjust myself and fidgeting. I was trying to focus on conversation, but I was  getting distracted by my thoughts.
"You look beautiful tonight," I leaned over and whispered in Y/N's ear, "I don't think I am gonna make it through the night". She turned slightly with her eyebrows furrowed together, "I want to rip all your clothes off... leaving you bare, I don't even want your under-wear left on..." I let my lips linger against her ear and watched the corners of her mouth try not to break a smirk, but she eventually did. She mouthed 'stop' but I knew that's not what she really wanted. My hand gripped her thigh under the table, and fortunately for me the restaurant was dimly lit. We both held separate conversations with those around, I tried bitting my tongue to distract myself but I couldn't take it. I zoned out and leaned back over to Y/N.
"Can we do each other a favour?"
"What's the favour?" She seemed concerned. I removed my hand from her thigh and took my hand in hers, gently squeezing it and then led her hand onto my crotch. The simple touch gave me goosebumps. I sat up straight and pushed myself into the table to be as discreet as possible. She widened her eyes letting me know that she felt my bulge, as I then brought my hand back to her thigh, inching my way under her dress. I let my fingers dance over her thin underwear noticing  the hairs on her arms stand up. As I continued, she palmed my restrictive pants, gently squeezing my length from time to time. I felt giddy inside trying to contain my emotions, I was infatuated by her breathing and tried not to stare at her. She was making it really difficult not to, I wanted so badly just to skip the teasing and rip her clothes off in a bathroom stall. Rubbing her core in circular motions I felt her hips push out and hit my forearm as I hooked onto the side of her underwear for more access. She was wet because of me, which made me even more aggressive, now putting my middle and ring finger inside her clenched walls. She huffed out, as she chewed her food slowly. I watched as she swallowed, leaving her mouth open slightly. I swear I saw her heart beating through her chest. As I sped up, so did she, now fitting her small hand through the zipper of my pants, stroking me over the fabric of my boxers. The world stopped for just a second as I tried keeping up with my breath.
   "I don't know if I can hold out for much longer", I blushed after admitting to such a thing. Y/N playfully pouted as I took my fingers out of her, and wiping them on my napkin. Being the tease she is, she kept her hand in my pants, keeping her eyes locked on the conversation to the other side of her. I was quick to pull her hand away before I was too far gone.
"Don't worry, this isn't over. Just wait 'till we get home" I spoke low, in anticipation for what awaited us.


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