Just another Dream

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Justin's POV

   There she stood, her finger scooping icing off the cake, almost in slow motion. Bringing her black painted nail to her tongue, and licking the icing clean off her finger. I stood across the room watching, admiring, fixating. The speed of real time came back, bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Tastes pretty good!" She smiled. I bet she tastes even better, I thought.
"Oh yea? Lemme try", meeting her in the kitchen I bypassed the cake and walked straight towards her. Stopping with just enough space between us, I rested my hands on the counter behind her and finally closed the gap.
"Justin?" She furrowed. I didn't say a word, but my breathing was unsteady. I'll admit I was a lot more brave before walking over to her, but I can't walk away now. So, I kissed her, and tasted the sweet chocolate against her tongue.
"You're right, tastes pretty good" I said, breaking the kiss. She also didn't say a word and her breath was just as shaky, but she took hold of my hoodie and kissed me back. She bit on my bottom lip, occasionally exhaling loudly. I lifted her up onto the counter, then let my hands run up her loose shirt. She wrapped her legs around my torso and reached down to pull my hoodie over my head. I obliged and took my other shirt off with it too.
"I've wanted you for sooo long", I admitted. Jasmine's cheeks turned a bright red colour and I smirked knowing she wanted me too. She stayed wrapped around my torso but brought her upper body around me, so that I was now carrying her. As we passed by the cake on the island, she took some more icing.
"Oops..." she sung, smearing the icing down my neck. She stuck out her bottom lip and batted her eyes, "my bad". She giggled. I brought her to the living room and sat down on the couch keeping her in my arms. She tilted my head back and started kissing down my face, and licking the chocolate icing off my neck. I let my left hand play in her hair, while the other unclipped her bra from under her shirt. I brought the same hand to her chest and gave her breasts a massage as she made her way down to my collar bone. I had chills, as I felt my excitement grow. She took my hands away from her body and stood up in front of me to take her shirt and bra off. The room was dimly lit but I could see the outline of her body, as she continued to undress herself. Throwing her jeans aside, she knelt down to my level and kissed me slowly. Then brought her hands to my waist band and slid off my sweatpants, along with my boxers. I hissed at the cold air. I slouched down into the couch and she got on her knees, kissing my abs down to my dick.
"Baby..." I rasped out. She ignored my voice and kept doing her thing, closing her mouth around me. I let out a breath of satisfaction, her tongue was warm and soft. She went slow and gradually sped up adding her hands to the mix. Doing things I'd only dreamt about.
   "Mhmm" she hummed, sending vibrations all through my body. I cupped her face in my hands as she came up for air, and motioned for her to stand up. She did as I said and I hooked my finger around the back of her thong, slowly pulling them down past her knees. I took a second to really look at all of her, she stood shy and looked away.
   "Come here, baby" she laid down in my spot and I kissed her body from head to toe. I held the backs of her calves, I could feel her tense up.
   "Don't be shy, it'll feel good." I promised and she let her legs open up. Tracing my tongue over her flower tattoo on her inner left thigh, she squirmed in my grasp, but relaxed once I started kissing her right inner thigh. I spread her legs open a bit wider and cupped my mouth over her, starting to lick her up and down. Slowly, as she did to me.
   "You taste so much better" I increased my speed, doing things I'd only dreamt of doing to her. I looked up, watching her hands fondle her breasts, and her mouth ajar as she moaned my name.


"Justin!" I sat up, a sweaty mess and startled, "Get up, we're gonna be late, cmon". Jasmine stood with her hand on my shoulder from trying to wake me up. I brought my knees in to my stomach, to hide any and all evidence of the dream I just had of my bestfriend. She scrambled to get the clothes I put out earlier, and threw them at me. I chuckled at her rushing. Although before she walked out I admired her, and watched, almost fixated by her.
"You wanna bake a cake?" I asked.


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