Breakup, Makeup

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Request for CindyKodytek9

Justin POV
I walked into the sun room located at the back of the house overlooking the hills of Calabasas. It was plated with floor to ceiling windows, allowing for natural sunlight and warmth. I stepped foot on the shaggy carpet letting my toes wiggle, hoping it would distract me from my inner thoughts. Cindy found beauty in the simplest things like this. Like how if you laid on the carpet just at the right time of day you could see the moon just as the sun began setting. This was her favourite place in the house, where she did most, if not all, her work.  She's a talented artist, known for many paintings of expressionism. They were a reflection of her vibrant personality, and how she sees herself though-out the walks of life. I, on the other hand was nothing more than a musician, whose melodies could touch the deepest parts of one's soul, except my own. Our love was the muse that fueled both of our creativity. However, as time went by, my once harmonious relationship with her started to crack. The love that once bloomed began to wither, buried beneath a pile of unspoken words and unmet expectations. We've gone days, weeks, and even months lately, walking past each other in this echoed house. This house that is far too big for just the two of us, but the intent was to start a family. A family I no longer hoped for. We were practically strangers sleeping in the same bed.
I watched as Cindy stroked a black saturated brush against a large canvas. A slight squeak in the hardwood floor gave me away, she peered over her shoulder avoiding my eyes. The air was heavy with tension, the sun no longer being enough to support the shivers up my spine. I held my hands together as I walked up behind Cindy, placing them on her shoulders tightly. She tensed up, triggering my nerves.
   "Cindy..." the sound of my own voice saying her name was caught in my throat, "what happened to us?" I questioned. Her shoulders relaxed and she stopped her brush strokes to put the brush down. She leaned into my chest as I was still standing behind her. With trembling hands, Cindy reached for mine and intertwined our fingers.
"I still love you, Justin," she said softly. "But something has changed between us. We've lost our way, and I don't know if we can find it again." My eyes glistened with tears.
"I feel it too," I admitted, my voice barely audible, "but I can't imagine a life without you." Silence engulfed us as we stayed motionless, caught between the love we shared and the painful truth we had to face. I waited for her to say she couldn't live without me too, but the thing about Cindy was she knew what she wanted. Once her mind was made, it was hard to change it. It was the end of an era; a chapter of our lives that would forever be etched in our hearts. Neither of us uttered a word as I walked away letting our hands untangle once I was too far to keep holding on. I knew that breaking up would be excruciating, tearing our souls apart. But I also knew that holding on to a dying love would only bring more pain in the long run. Silent tears streamed down my face, rolling down my cheeks and onto my shirt. Packing up a bag, I left a few things behind knowing Cindy would appreciate in times of sadness, much like right now. Finally I made my way to the front door not wanting to look back at the broken pieces of our once mended relationship. Turning the knob, my hands were clammy and cold but I continued, walking out the house, never to step foot again.

A couple years had gone by, as I walked the streets of what used to be home. A street I used to walk down when I wanted to be normal for once seemed unusually busy, although it had been quite some time since I've been here. Up ahead a small gathering caught my eye. I got a tad bit nervous, hoping I wouldn't get recognized and started to slow my pace. As I got closer I noticed people who looked to be middle aged or older, sighing of relief that they wouldn't likely know who I was right away. As I walked by I held my head low only to look up for a second to see what they were gathering for. It was small shop with doors open and paintings in the window, and a sign that read 'Now Open'. The people were sort of in the way to see the artwork but some of it looked familiar. I stopped for a moment and decided to go in without hesitation. Stepping foot inside I noticed how it was nicely lit up, complimenting the art pieces against white clad walls. As I kept walking through the space, I turned a corner to be surprised with a section of the shop decorated exactly like— "Justin?" I stood still in my shoes. Without even looking I could tell who it was.
"Cindy" I spoke turning on my heels, " this yours?" I stuck my thumb out and pointed it behind me. She smiled lightly walking toward me but kept distance between us.
"Actually the whole place is mine, I opened up a gallery, and wanted to pay homage to the sunroom" she said looking into my eyes. I had to admit myself, it was hard to look away. She looked beautiful. She let her hair grow out just past her chest, and she stood tall, wearing a nice sleeveless dress and heels. She looked alive.
" look amazing...I-I mean everything, everything looks amazing. It'" I stumbled over my words and looked around in disbelief. She always said she wanted to open a gallery some day and she finally did. I wanted to tell her I was proud of her but I thought maybe I'd be coming off too strong.
"Thank you. It's really a dream come true" she said knowing I knew how much she wanted this. I nodded and looked down at the floor, and shoved my hands in my pockets. I didn't know what to say, it was like we were meeting all over again for the first time.
"So how are you?" She asked quietly, taking a step forward.
"I am, um, you know. Busy... always busy," gosh what's wrong with me, "I mean I am okay. Just going through the motions" I shrugged. I mentally face palmed myself. I wasn't doing a very good job at convincing her that I actually was doing good. I just so badly wanted to tell her everything I'd been up to the last couple of years but it was very hard to read her right now. I didn't know if it was the right time or if she even really wanted to know. All of a sudden a violent wave of anxiety washed over me as a posed myself the question, what if she met someone?
"That's nice" she half questioned snapping me out of my worry.
"How are you!?" I over exclaimed realizing I hadn't asked her back.
"I am good, really! I've been really busy lately too with setting this all up and..." she paused for a moment, "what brings you back home?" She asked. I wasn't sure if she had more to say or if it just dawned on her that I hadn't been back since we broke up.
"I just stopped in for a couple days, for some press conferences" I said getting lost in her eyes. She nodded and crossed her arms keeping her shoulders scrunched up.
"Anyways... I better get going, the shops closing soon and then I gotta get back to the house" she said almost remorseful. I wanted to keep talking to her but I didn't want to overstep. I told her again how everything looked good as I turned around to leave. The people outside the gallery had since left, it was close to 6pm and the sun was still hot. I was about to cross the street when I heard Cindy's voice.
"Justin!" She yelled from the corner of the street, waving me to come over. My heart thumped in my throat as excitement grew.
    "I was thinking..." Cindy spoke, and kissed me. It was like all the memories came flooding back in as the world stopped for just a moment, "want to get some dinner?" She asked still inches away from my lips. I nodded vigorously, as she giggled. The new chapter of an era was about to begin, and I couldn't wait.


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