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Justin's POV

Almost Christmas time and Jasmine and I have been really behind on the festivities this year. Being busy prepping for tour and trying to weave around  busy schedules to find time for each other had us preoccupied, I myself didn't even realize December was soon coming to an end.
"Goodmorninggg" I heard from behind my back. I was in bed, awake just maybe 7 minutes ago. Jasmine spooned me nuzzling her face into my back.
"Goodmorning babe, did you have a good sleep?" I heard a muffled response. I turned around to face her, placing a kiss on her forehead.
"I think we both have a free today...?" I spoke in anticipation that I was right, "I was hoping we could get the tree, and decorate" I spoke excitedly. Ever since I was little the holidays were always my favourite. Jasmine nodded giggling at my grin from ear to ear. I yay'd in response and got up out of bed.
"Cmooon let's go" I threw on some clothes and rushed downstairs. From a distance I heard Jasmine groan, most likely at my impatience. Eventually she came downstairs, we were both dressed comfy in Christmas coloured clothes, best fit for the occasion. We hopped in the car and drove outside of where we live to a farm we visit every year for our tree.
"Fiiinally" Jasmine spoke as we pulled in. It didn't look too busy from the front, however further down into the field I was worried it would be more people than I didn't wanted to interact with at this time. Regardless we went in as usual and greeted Tom, the owner and his wife, Marrie.
Justin, Jasmine! How are youu," she drew out her words with her accent "come give me a kiss!" She held out her arms and I smiled at how sweet she was. After our turns of embracement we went off into the field to find our perfect tree.
"Babe it has to be full and really green and tall!" Jasmine spoke, and I admired her, I knew she'd eventually get excited. Finally deciding on the one, we informed Tom who would cut it down and tie it up for us. In the meantime Jasmine and I went to the gift shop.
"Psst" I heard but couldn't make out where the noise was coming from. I looked around and spotted Marrie hiding behind a curtain that marked 'employees only'. She inched her index finger at me so I'd come to her secretly.
"Merry Christmas honey," she said pulling a homemade bouquet of mistletoe from behind her back, "I am sure you know what to do with it." She winked and sent me on my way after I thanked her.

   Later we got home, positioned the tree and took out our storage boxes that marked 'Christmas'. While Jasmine was busy I snuck off to hang the mistletoe in our entryway. I stood back in anticipation that it would probably fall, but I was pleasantly surprised when it didn't, giving myself a pat on the back. Final touches I dimmed the lights and started playing piano just outside the entry way.
   "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose..." I sang softly trying to project my voice, hoping that Jasmine would eventually come in. "...And so I'm offering this simple phrase..." I continued, then caught her peering around the corner and smiled. She came over to me and started singing too. Closing my eyes I finished the song and let my fingers linger on the keys for effect.
   "Very cute" she said and kissed me. As she did I grabbed her and held her tightly and tickled her ever so slightly. She squirmed and laughed and pleaded for me to stop.
   "Ok, ok. On one condition" I said and she raised her eyebrows. I stopped and picked her up bring her to the (still) hanging mistletoe. I looked up and she rolled her eyes.
   "I love you babe" I spoke before cupping her face in my hands, kissing her softly and meaningfully. She held her arms around my torso leaning into me.
   "I love you too" she spoke and continued kissing me.


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