All Around Me

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Justin POV

   About a year ago I met the love of my life. Well, I should rephrase that; about a year ago I kissed the love of my life. Prior to a New Years kiss, I was always within a phone call away, a headline away, a scandal away, or through  contact with a friend. Just that small inch away from having access to meeting her. But I was too intimidated because from rumours most likely to be true, she didn't like me. I understood her at the time, I was mixed in with the wrong people, and I was beginning to see that. The other day I messed up though, caught coming out of a club at 3am. I was trying. I really was. Or so I thought. But deep down I was covering it up with my riches and materialistic things to confess that I needed help. I am Justin Bieber, for fucks sakes. I don't need help. I got up from where I was sitting, and started pacing around the room. I cursed at the air, tossing things out of my way as I continued raging through the studio. I was mad at myself for disappointing Jasmine. She told me that if we were gonna really do this I had to be in it 100%, and I am. Finding a way to leave the crowded lifestyle is hard. I had constant noise and people ringing in my ears all day long just to find myself alone, listening to the sound of my own breath. I left the studio a mess, knowing I'd be regretting it later but all I saw was rage right now. I got in my car, aware of my surroundings and made sure not to speed out of anger. When I got home the sun had begun setting and the California air had a coldness to it.
'Can you come over tonight?' I texted Jasmine in desperation of her soothing presence. She answered 5 minutes later to say she'd be on her way soon. I was a bit more calm now, and decided it'd be best to wash up.
"Babe?" I heard through my bathroom door.
"Upstairs" I shouted in response now throwing my clothes on. Jasmine entered the room with a twirl to say 'I am here'. I smiled feeling my heart shutter of contentment. She pecked my lips and sat by the bay window on the furthest side of my room.
"Hey...I have to ask you something...well I should tell you first" I began, "I know I slipped up last weekend. It upset me too. I wasn't... I don't know...I was just having one of those days". Jasmine shifted in her spot, I could tell she thought she knew where this was going. I made my way a bit closer to her, holding the butterflies down, trying not to show my nervousness.
"I am surrounded. Constantly. Not by anyone I particularly care to be around, you know? It just comes along with having this type of career. I know you understand that. And I am not sure what I was doing before you, but I stopped trying to figure it out because it's about right here and right now..." I sat down now, holding on to her hands with my eyes locked on hers.
"I need you. I need you all around me, and always. Will you move in with me?" I took in a deep breath, knowing the risk I was taking. But this unknown risk could be so healing. I needed her with me, in a healthy way of course. Just having her by my side along the way would help tremendously. Not only that, but just to be able to start building a future together was exciting and I just didn't want to wait any longer.
"Justi—" I stopped her.
"No I know, I know it's a lot but you can think about it of course, you don't have to answer now." I kissed her, holding on to it for a second. She smiled and kissed me again, bringing our foreheads together.
   "I need you all around me, too" she spoke through a smile, letting me know that it'd be the start of something I deserved.


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