Pure Happiness

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Justin POV

As I played video games I could feel Jasmine's eyes on me, making me wonder what she might be thinking about. She slowly lifted herself off from her spot on the couch, and onto me careful not to knock the controller out of my hands. She sat up-right and shifted her body so that she was facing me. I gave the top of her head a kiss as she rested it on my shoulder. Just when I thought she had fallen asleep she lifted her head and glanced at me. She kissed the corner of my mouth and then my jaw, slowly making her way down to my neck. I adjusted myself and cleared my throat trying to keep my eye on the game. Jasmine carried on giving me soft open mouth kisses down to my collar bone, and back up bringing her lips to my ear.
"Maybe we should go to bed". She whispered. I could feel her warm breath against my ear. It gave me goosebumps and my grip on the controller was getting weak. I really didn't want her to win, but she had me right where she wanted. She took the controller out of my hand and placed it aside. She slid on to my lap and brought her hands around my neck, keeping her eyes locked with mine. I still wasn't giving in, until she gave me a wet kiss, and another, and another. I gripped her hips, pulling them into mine and deepened the kiss. She let out a little giggle, knowing she won. I pulled away and smirked, giving her a quick peck before swiftly standing up from the couch with her still in my arms.
"Where are we going?" She asked innocently, tilting her head to the side.
"Well you said we should go to bed", I taunted, which made her roll her eyes. When I got to our bedroom, the room was dimly lit by the wall lights on either sides of our bed. I stood at the edge of the bed and gently laid her down. I took a second to admire her beauty as she smiled from ear to ear. She motioned for me to come closer, as she reached for me. Careful not to put all my weight on her, I hovered over her. I slowly kissed her soft lips while she tugged at the bottom of my shirt. I pulled it over my head and her hands roamed my bare back and stomach, tracing her finger tips up to my head and massaged her hands through my hair. Pulling apart to remove her sweater and sweatpants, I watched her chest rise and fall. I hummed; kissing down the valley of her breasts and her fingers went back to playing in my hair. I got to her belly button and lifted my head so I could remove her underwear. I slid them off with ease, almost moaning at the sight.
"Look at me" I said. She looked with want in her eyes and I smirked before kissing her inner thighs.
"Don't tease J" she warned, but of course I did anyway. Just for a little while longer. Finally I massaged her core with my tongue, receiving a jolt from Jasmine. She let out a deep breath and I smiled against her. Slowly licking up and down and repeating that motion, I heard a whimper. I stopped and looked up with my eyes to see hers locked with mine.
"Does it feel good baby?" I asked her in a low voice. She nodded her head and closed her eyes as I continued. She closed her shaking legs around my head, arching her back. I didn't want her to finish just yet, so I pulled away and kissed her flushed checks, clammy forehead, her nose that's always cold and finally her bitten down on lips.
"I want you" she whispered, against the kiss. She turned us over and undid the tie to my waist band. She slid her warm hands down into my pants and slid them off. Now even more eager for her touch, I reconnected our lips as she reached down and slid myself into her. I hissed at the warm and tingly feeling. She kissed me, tugging on my bottom lip. She rocked herself against my hips as I glided my hands up her torso and around her back to unclip her bra. I tossed it beside me and grasped her boobs in the palm of my hands. Her speed started increasing causing me to close my eyes and whisper sweet nothings to her. I flipped her back on her back. I went slow and kissed her softly. She reached behind my back, pulling me closer to her. I gradually increased the speed of my thrusts.
"Baby you feel so good" I rasped out, burying my head in to the crook of her neck. She moaned in response, now digging her nails into my back. My actions were starting to get sloppy, as I could feel myself wanting to release.
"Yesss" she breathed out, I could feel her walls clenching. We were both on the edge, not wanting the blissfulness to end. As we both climaxed, we didn't let go of each other till our breathing patterns were back to normal. I passed Jazz her sweats and my tshirt to put on, while I put my own sweats on.
"I love you", we both spoke at the same time making us laugh. She held my face in her hands and pecked my lips. I smiled out of pure happiness and cuddled up next to her.


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