This Isn't Goodbye

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Request for @AlexaBieber2

Alexa's POV
    It had been years since Justin posted on any social media or seen by the paparazzi. Not frequently anyways. Still adored by many and still topping the charts as some of his older music would resurface every now and then. I was getting ready for work and had the morning news playing in the background when something caught my attention.
    "...and now for a name nobody has heard for a very long time, debuts his newest single along with an intimate major city tour, and final meet and greet, Justin Bieber!" The anchor lady spoke these words in disbelief as I am sure the rest of the world that would get word of this information would be to. I yanked my shirt over my head and ran to the living room, scanning my eyes over the screen to make sure this was all actually happening. An old picture of him popped up on the screen as well as the song cover for his supposed new song. I got my phone out and typed in Justin Bieber into the Spotify search engine. The song titled 'This isn't goodbye' came up, I went into a spiral of emotions wondering what the song could possibly be about but couldn't bring myself to listen to it just yet. My heart thumped in my chest knowing that I had to find a way to make it his meet and greet. I'd also wondered what they meant by "final" meet and greet, I know he hasn't done them since purpose tour but maybe it just meant the last one he's ever doing since it's an intimate tour. I was excited and called my best friend to shriek about the news and got in the virtual line up for the tickets.
As months went by I grew anxious but today was the day. I was bummed out that my best friend who'd been a die hard belieber with me since forever got sick and couldn't make it. But I wasn't about to miss the best day of my life, even if it meant going alone. I replayed corny scenarios on my way to the venue, knowing that my imagination was running wild. I couldn't help myself, it was like a jolt of excitement running through my veins. As I got to the parking lot there was already a messy file of people waiting, and wrapped around the building almost twice. I wondered how would we all possibly fit inside, but nevertheless I had my VIP pass so it wasn't my worry. My hands trembled and as I followed the signs for the meet and greet, eventually ending up at the back of the line with a girl and her mom.
"We heard there was only one more VIP to go, I guess that would be you!" The mom held onto the side of my arm with her clammy palm. Furrowing my brow I looked around, "what do you mean? This is it?" I questioned pointing to the front of the line, that I couldn't actually see but it didn't seem that long.
"Yea, apparently they discounted VIP shortly announcing the tour to limit the amount of people Justin has to meet" the mom seemed sympathetic to his cause. We all know how he is about meet and greets, and I wouldn't blame, but at least I got lucky. The line seemed to move fairly quickly and my turn was almost next. I hoped that since I was last I'd get some sort of special moment with Justin, one that I'd most definitely dreamt about.
"Last one" I heard before seeing an older woman walk out the room, "Hi! What's your name, hun?" It was fucking Allison. I was star struck already, almost forgetting my own name.
"A-Alex, hi" I barely said and she smiled embracing me in a hug.
"You're like the one less lonely girl, seeing as your the last one!" Kill me now, I thought, I am literally dying. Allison walked in front of me, blocking my view of the unfamiliar voice I heard, until she moved to the side, and there he was. Justin, in all his glory, sitting lazily on the couch. He stood up slowly, not really looking my way, and stood weary at the Center of a backlit purple backdrop. Maybe he hadn't noticed I was in the room yet? I made my way over smiling and both hyperventilating on the inside.
    "Hi, beautiful. How are you?" My eyes met his and my ears heads the sound of a voice, but not Justin's. My nerves fell flat and I stood looking into soulless eyes.
    "Hi...I am... good. How are you?" I was going to say I was excited to be meeting him finally, but now I wasn't so sure. Still not answering my question he looked at the camera ignoring my confusion and smiled, almost like he was trained to.
    "Feel free to sit and hangout before the show. Last VIP privileges" Justin spoke, and I still tried placing his tone with the Justin we all knew and loved. He walked back over to the couch and closed his eyes slowly, as I looked around the room, people running around with clothes, clipboards, coffee, posters, and so much more stuff. Nobody even payed attention to Justin and or I. I sat keeping a small distance between us, "what's wrong with you?" I spoke softly. I examined his hollowed cheeks and blemishes, noticing bruised inner elbows, and a hospital bracelet peaking through the sleeve of his hoodie. Justin kept his eyes closed and layed a hand over his chest.
    "I am dying" He patted his chest, "my heart failed me so I got a new one. Now this one is failing me too" he whispered. My mouth fell slightly and my eyes began welling with tears. He sat up to face me planting a kiss on my cheek, telling me that he would be okay, that he'd accepted it for about a year now.
    "This is the first time I am ever seeing you, and I got to meet you, and now it's probably going to be my last. But I am grateful that I got to spend just a single moment with you before you say goodbye and leave behind your legacy" I choked on my words through my quiet sobbing. Holding my hands in his, Justin looked at me through his glass eyes, "this isn't goodbye".


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