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   He sang so beautifully, I was in awe looking up at him with dough eyes and a pouted face. All I wanted to do was sob into a pillow. For a large majority of the night I just stared and sang along, I didn't even pull out my phone that much, I didn't wanna miss anything. During Purpose, as he sat down at the front of the stage he spoke about love, pain, happiness and so many touching things. Silent tears rolled down my cheeks as I tried to comprehend the fact that the entire time he spoke, he was looking at me. I mouthed 'I love you' receiving a pause in his words for him to mouth back 'I love you too'. As he began to sing I closed my eyes and took it all in, holding my head back, raising my arms up with my fingertips spread out.
"Oh, you are my everything, oh you are my everything, and you've blessed me with the best gift that I've ever known, you give purpose.." he trailed off and thanked us for being at the show tonight, and always believing in him. He sang the last few lines as he went down from behind the stage. The crowd screamed and cheered for an encore. From the corner of my eye in the distanced I could see Justin talking to someone with a security name tag and pointing into the crowd. I didn't think anything of it as I started to make my way past the herd, to beat traffic. Almost at the first exit, I was stopped by the same guy Justin was speaking to. That was fast, I thought.
   "Do you mind coming with me, I have a couple questions to ask you regarding your ticket." Before I could answer he had already taken me by the arm and walked me down a narrow hallway, past double doors and a set of basement stairs.
   "Um, actually I can just leave, I won't cause any more trouble" I didn't know what I had done but I played it off for the sake of my safety. The security guard kept walking and didn't say anything, as panic grew inside I tried not to think of the worst case scenarios. We reached another door, presented with a plain white painted lounge room with sofas and coffee tables. I looked around, now even more confused.
   "Someone will be with you shortly" and with that the guard walked out. I chose a chair closest to another door that said 'exit' on it, for proactive purposes. As I was about to call my mom out of sheer fear, the door swung open and Allison and another man I didn't recognize walked in. My jaw fell to the floor, holy shit.
   "Hi Y/N, I am Allison and this is Derek, he's just gonna ask you a couple questions about yourself. We already ran a background check. Your ticket was completely fine by the way" she smiled and sat down.
   "O-okay" I spoke nervously.
   "State your name, age, and where you are from", Derek said with a laptop in hand.
   "Well, my name is Y/N [last name], I am 20 and I live here in Utah" I could feel sweat form under my arms and behind my bent knees.
"We find it a little suspicious that you came here alone tonight? Would you care to explain as to why that might be?" Derek seemed a little standoffish and cold, meanwhile Allison sat unbothered typing away on her phone.
"I am the only one out of my friends who loves Justin enough to see him in concert, and plus I had to drive a couple hours to get here so there wasn't much appeal there either" I spoke blushing out of embarrassment. I didn't think I'd be that big of a deal, or suspicious. People go places by themselves all the time.
"Okay, thank you" Derek got up and left the room.
"I am sorry, but what's going on?" I asked. Allison smirked and waved her hand for me to follow her. I huffed out now getting frustrated but felt a bit more comfortable at the hands of a familiar face. We passed more narrow hallways and blacked out doors, and doors with names on them. We finally got to an exit and ended up outside, in front of a greyhound bus. I started to smile, holding back a nervous giggle. Allison hit her hand twice against the doors of the bus, looked back at me smiling and left me to die on the inside, now that I was fully aware of what was happening. Then there he was. A sweaty, but handsome Justin.
"Hey, it's Y/N right?" I nodded not being able to find the words to say yes. He chuckled and held his hand out, walking me up the steep tour bus stairs. I looked around at the luxurious furniture and amenities. My hand was still in is and he guided me to a table across a mini Kitchenette.
   "So how are you? This must be kind of weird for you huh, are you bursting at the seams right now" he spoke in a playful tone, fully aware of the effect he has on people. I nodded aggressively, "I am so good" I giggled, wiping my sweaty hands on my thighs, "the show was amazing! I don't even have the words to describe to you how much you mean to me and how much it meant to see you live" I started to tear up a little. He held his hand out again and I took it, him squeezing it slightly.
   "I appreciate that, thank you. Don't cry though okay" he smiled his perfect smile and handed me a tissue.
   "The reason I wanted to meet you was because I was just fixated by you tonight. I've seen a lot of people so immersed into the music and singing and crying, and bonus points for not being on their phones the whole time" he paused for a moment, "but you. Wow. You were so special. I couldn't keep my eyes off of you, your beautiful on the outside as well as on the inside, I can tell that about you..." he sat back against the chair. He shook his head as his eyes started to well with tears. He looked away and turned his body so his side profile was facing me now.
   "Man..." he looked over in my direction briefly. " I feel such a great sense of love from you and that happens so little with the fans that I usually interact with. Most of them that I encounter don't realize the impact they would have if they just took a second to live in the moment. Everyone always needs to show off by taking a picture, it's like they care more about if other people believe that they met me, rather than it just being enough knowing they met me. It brings me back to the beginning, you know, when it was just me and the fans. Not I can't even see faces, it's just cameras or flashlights. I understand, trust me, this is a selfish thing that all of us in the industry have to come to terms with at some point or another, but when I see the odd person who is completely indulged in what I love most, it pulls at my hearts strings". His voice cracked at that last sentence and tears kept rolling down his cheeks  He wiped his face and smiled, I was now crying, once again.
   "We're a mess" I said, earning a laugh from him.
"Thank you for just being you. The true belieber that you are" Justin chuckled. I sat now in the same position as him reaching my hand over to lay it on his back.
   "At the end of the day I don't care if nobody believes me, you saw me and I saw you. It'll be like, our little secret" I think I was in love, I couldn't stop grinning. He stood up and held his arms out for a hug, I embraced him taking it all in. He was only a couple inches taller, and smelt much better than what I had envisioned in my head, his hug was warming and comforting, I could hug him all day. He rested his head on mine and let himself relax in my arms, as I did the same.
   "Y/N..." Justin trailed off. I hummed to let him know I was listening.
   "Would you like to join me for the next leg of the tour?" He asked. I pulled away swiftly and hit his chest, maybe a little too hard, with both hands and a big smile plastered on my face.
   "Shutup!" I said pointing at him. He nodded with a smirk, "No, you're lying right now". I sat back down.
   "I would never lie. Not to you. I think it would be a great opportunity to get to know you better. It's like a magnet, Y/N. I am telling you, this immersive feeling of attraction, love, comfort, support, and so much more that I feel from you, is never like anything I've ever experienced before" Justin came and knelt down in front of me to reach my level.
   "I'd be honoured" I smiled, getting lost in his hazel brown eyes and forgetting where I was. I kissed him, not giving him time to react, just as fast as I pulled away in shock by my own actions. I put my heads over my face in embarrassment.
   "Ohmygooood, you must actually regret all decisions now. I completely ruined the moment, huh" I stood up walking over to the other side of the bus with my back facing him. He didn't say anything yet but I could feel his presence close behind, I  could feel my heartbeat in my ears. He stood closer, his body pressed up against my back and his head peaking past my shoulder.
   "I could get used to that..." he said quietly, squeezing my sides, once again having me die a little on the inside.


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