Tag! You're It

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Jasmine's POV

Justin and I were sprawled about on the couch, more or less enjoying our rainy day inside. He was playing video games as I occasionally watched between scrolling through Instagram. I had suggested that we invite a couple friends over but Justin insisted that he only wanted to hang out with me.
"But Justiiiin, you're just playing though. I am getting bored", I whined sitting up and scooting over closer to him. He hummed in response, which usually means he hadn't heard a word I just said. I let my hand sit on his thigh, slowly sliding it up and inward. He squirmed under my touch, maybe trying hard at concentrating.
"Well what do you wanna do?" He cleared his throat, side eyeing me. I thought for a moment and then got an idea. I moved my hand even closer to his crotch, gently holding a fist full.
"Ba–", I cut him off before he could finish.
"Tag! You're it!" I spoke in his ear and swiftly got up and away as fast as I could. We were in the basement and I planned on hiding in the guest bedroom. I took a short cut, going out one of the back doors and then back in the house ending up on the other side of the house. I ran through the kitchen and past the main living room, and up the stairs. I stopped to take a breather and looked back to see if Justin was even chasing after me.
"Babyyy", I heard him call out. I giggled hurrying to get into the  bedroom and finally hiding in the closet. I steadied my breathing and listened for movement of sounds.
"Babe I give up", I heard Justin say. It sounded like he might be in the hallway, but it was hard to make out. Forgetting my phone in my back pocket it started ringing.
"Shiiiiiit" I cursed under my breathe, scrambling to get my phone.
"HA! Found you", Justin yelled, scaring me in the process.
"Justiiin that's not fair", I whined crossing my arms. He came closer to me and kissed my nose, "I don't know what you're talking about". He said this with a grin on his face. I rolled my eyes, sticking my tongue out. He kissed my right cheek, then my left cheek, uncrossing my arms and brought them around his neck. He put his arms around my waist, and I got on my tippy toes so I could kiss him. In one swift movement he slapped my ass and ran away yelling, "tag, you're it!" I stood with my mouth wide open, he is such a tease.
"I am soooo gonna get you!" I shouted, running after him. I heard his foot steps in the distance as I chased after him. Knowing Justin's protective side, I came up with yet another idea. I made a 'thud' noise on the floor, as if I fell.
"Ow... Justin my ankle!" I held my ankle pretending like I was hurt. Just like I knew he would, Justin came running back.
"Babe! Are you ok?!", he knelt down to help me up.
"Noo it hurts. I think I twisted my ankle or something". I groaned.
"Awe my poor baby. I am gonna get some ice" Justin spoke sweetly. I tried so hard not to start laughing but I couldn't help it. I started laughing throwing my head back.
"What are you laughing at..." Justin asked giving me a strange look.
"Gotcha!" I winked. For a moment Justin stood confused and then cracked a smile when he realized I tricked him.
"Not bad, not bad". He said nodding his head.
"I know" I teased flipping my hair. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him softly. His hands held my waist, pulling me closer towards him. My chest up against his, we were now in full on make out mode. I tugged the bottom of his shirt, bitting my lip as I watched him take it off. Justin smirked, roughly pulling me closer by the belt loop of my jeans.
"We should play tag more often", he winked leaning in for another kiss.


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