Good Morning

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Justin POV

   I woke up abruptly, squinting and blinking from the sun coming in through the windows. I read the digital clock to my left on the night stand it read, 10:17am. I looked over to my right and saw my beautiful wife, sleeping in peace. The white silky sheets exposed her bare back, which was facing me. I caught a glimpse of her bright pink underwear through the sheets, and smiled. I slid closer to her, spooning her. Kissing her soft skin, she reached up and scratched where I was kissing.
   "Good morning, beautiful" I whispered in her ear. I watched as her eyes fluttered open, looking around the room. She smiled when she noticed me,
   "Good morning" she cooed. She turned around to face me and placed a kiss on my cheek.
   "How'd you sleep?" I asked.
   "Mhmgood...last night was—" I finished her thought.
   "Yea, I know" I said cutting her off, remembering last night (if you know what I mean). She started giggling, also making me laugh. She buried her head into my chest, and I wrapped my arms around her.
   "I love you" she mumbled against me.
    "And I love you." I spoke softly, kissing the top of her head.


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