2 Much

193 4 2

Justin's POV
Jasmine came into the room quietly, tiptoeing toward me as I sat at the piano. She stayed behind me and listened to the gentle melody, she didn't yet recognize. She let her weight fall onto my back as she wrapped her arms around my shirtless torso. I bent my head down to kiss her hand, and continued playing.
"Hi", she hummed against my neck, while I  kept moving my fingers against the keys, she watched my muscles contract. The sun came through the big open window above us; looking up I took in the warmth. I sped up my rhythm a bit, and Jasmine moved from where she was to the bench, now sitting beside me. I glanced over, and gave a quick smile.
   "I love you."
"I love you too," she slid herself closer so that our shoulders were now touching.
   "....Don't wanna close my eyes...I'm scared I'll miss..." I trailed off in a mumble. I sang the phrase again, switching up a few of the words. I had a particular sound in my head all week that I'd been wanting to try with lyrics I wrote down a bit ago. Eventually I stopped so I wouldn't frustrate myself. Jasmine kissed my cheek and got up from the bench. I watched her over my shoulder, almost in a trance.
   "Play it", she voiced from a far. I smirked, shaking my head, knowing exactly what she meant. 'All That Matters' has been her favourite song to listen to on piano, ever since I covered it for The Key. Something about the slow build up to the chorus and back down to a slow paced melody; it was like being on a roller coaster, she once said. I even tried to teach it to her, with her minimal pianist skills, but something about me playing it, she'd say. It was like no other, she melted every time. She had her back turned to me when I began playing. I watched as she let her shoulders relax, bringing her hands up to let her hair down. She stood taking in the sunlight with her eyes closed. I was focused on her beautiful skin, her body, her being, everything that makes her who she is. As I continued playing, I had a lightbulb moment in the back of my mind. It's all too much for me when she's not around, or if she is unhappy. I knew how to finish the song I'd been working on and what I wanted to call it.


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