Chapter three: The Dinner

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The guests are scared, thinking they will be stuck there for days.

[Pamela] What if we run out of food?
[Lucia] What if we never get out?
[Kaylie] Oh come on people, the storm will probably clear out soon and we can call someone to pick us up in the morning.

They calm down and start chatting with each other.
Kaylie sits down in a corner and quietly stares into the void. Noah sits beside her.
[Noah] You ok?
[Kaylie] Mhm. It's just that.. I barely know anyone in here.
[Noah] Oh, we'll that's my aunt Pamela, the one who owns the jewellery store, Lana and Peter Vega, they're comedians, Katarina Rossi, she's an opera singer.. and that is Lin Stone, she's so rich that other millionaires fears her.

Kaylie seems satisfied knowing the people she's with, till she sees one of the maids.

[Kaylie] Oh God.
[Noah] What?
[Kaylie] That's Anne! We used to be friends as kids, she used to manipulate me into doing what she wanted, till in high school I realised how she was gaslighting me and I stopped being friends with her. She started spreading rumors of me and tried to ruin my life! I can't believe I'm stuck in here with her!

Anne notices her and walks over to her.

[Anne] Oh, what a coincidence, you've crawled back to me!
[Kaylie] I'm not here for you. This is my boyfriend's mother's party.
[Anne] Oh.. well bye then..

Kaylie sighs and walks away.

[Pamela] You ok dear?
[Kaylie] No, now that I know she's here..
[Pamela] Ignore her! Let's just make this our best stuck-on-an-island party ever!
[Kaylie] I guess so...
[Lucia] Maids! Go set the table! And someone tell the cook to bring out the food! It's dinner time everyone!

The guests start heading to the dining room. They see a very long table with candles and flowers on top of it. The maids are setting the table and the cook brings the roasted turkey, salad, bread, cake and wine. The guests sit down and are grabbing food on their plates. They pour wine in their glasses and start eating the turkey.

[Kaylie] Can you give me the salad bowl please?
[Lucia] Ok, Karmen..

Lucia takes the salad bowl and is about to give it to Kaylie, when the lights go out. The candles go out and everyone is quiet.
[Peter] What happened?
[Lucia] The lights went out, probably because of the storm.
[Kaylie] Who blew out the candles?
[Pamela] I don't know..
[Lin] Wait wha-

Lin screams out loud and they hear someone running away and an object falling to the ground.
As the lights go back on, they see Lin, bloody, and dead, with her neck cut open.
Kaylie drops the salad bowl, which she was still holding onto, to the ground. Lucia screams and everyone gets up and goes to Lin.

[Katarina] She's dead!
[Mr. Smith] Oh no!
[Kaylie] What the heck!

Peter takes Lin and puts her down on the sofa.

[Lucia] We can't even call an ambulance!
[Matt] Wait.. If her neck was cut open.. that means..
[Kaylie] One of us killed her!

Everyone gasps as they back away from each other, staring at the other guests in disbelief.

[Lucia] It wasn't me! Me and her were both still holding onto the salad bowl!
[Pamela] Me and Peter were talking with each other! It wasn't us!

Everyone goes quiet. There is a murderer among them.

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