Chapter 17: The conclusion

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As Kaylie is sitting on the shore, she sees a helicopter.
She ignores it and walks to the other side of the island. Then, two police officers put handcuffs on her. She's getting arrested. She tries to scream, but they take her to their helicopter. She sees everyone else inside. She notices Lucia, who's also in handcuffs.

They were told they were arrested for almost killing Anne. After they questioned them in the police station, they let Kaylie go, but not Lucia. As Kaylie fought against Anne in self defence, it wasn't illegal,
but considering Lucia wasn't a part of the fight before she pushed Anne down the stairs, she had no right to do that, so they put her in jail.
She was eventually given a 10 year sentence. Everyone was devastated, the guests protested outside the courthouse, but she was still out in prison.

Three months after the incident, Kaylie goes to meet Lucia in prison.

[Lucia] So how is it outside? Everything alright?
[Kaylie] Yes. Pamela's business is thriving, more customers than ever before. Lana is getting better. I don't know about everyone else, but Pamela and Lana told me to send their best wishes to you.
[Lucia] Ok! But what about you?
[Kaylie] Well, I just released my first official EP, I got a new apartement.. and then I found out something shocking.
[Lucia] What is it?
[Kaylie] I'm pregnant with Noah's baby.
[Lucia] What? I'm going to be a grandmother?
[Kaylie] Yes.
[Lucia] That's amazing!
[Kaylie] It is, just sad the baby will never get to see it's father.

Lucia comforts Kaylie.
[Kaylie] So how is life in prison?
[Lucia] Boring. Incredibly boring. I'm actually in the same prison as Anne. She keeps saying "I didn't do it, it was my twin".
Soon, the guard takes Lucia back into her sell and Kaylie leaves.
She walks out of the prison and walks back to town. She walks to the harbour. She stares at the sea, and sees a small dot in the horizon. It's the island. Lucia's island. She almost starts crying when she feels someone tap her shoulder. She turns around and sees her aunt Miriam. Her hairstyle has changed quite a bit, from short to long, curly hair, but she could remember those bony arms and big brown eyes anytime. Miriam hugs Kaylie.
[Miriam] I heard what happened to you a couple months ago. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
[Kaylie] It's okay, I'm fine now.

Kaylie looks at her aunt for a moment, then turns around. She stares at the island.

[Miriam] You know, if you really want to go back there.. I have a boat..

They go to the island. Kaylie walks in and Miriam comes behind her. She walks into Anne's room. She finds a note. "Hello Kaylie. This is the real Anne. The person in prison is my twin, Ariel. You see, when Pamela put the tapes on me, she put them on quite
When everyone was in the lobby area, I took them off and put my sister, who also works here, in my place. The police thought she was crazy when she started saying 'it wasn't me, it was my twin', because her twin Ariel, "me", testified against "Anne" in court a few months ago. Two words. I. Won. Now, get out before you die". Kaylie drops the letter on the floor. This can't be happening again. She runs out with her aunt. They can hear footsteps from behind them. They get on the boat and leave the island. She only has one thing to say to the cops. Maybe they should have a talk with "Anne".

The End.

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