Chapter five: Onto something

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Kaylie and Matt decide they will continue the investigation later, when things have calmed down a bit.
Matt walks in his room and locks the door. He goes on the balcony and stares into the sea. He pulls out a cigarette, but throws it off the balcony.

[Matt] I'm not doing that again. I can't.

He quietly and calmly sits while staring into the void, till he hears something. He breathes in the clean sea air, not caring he's getting completely wet in the rain. He looks around, his fear turning into happiness that he's still alive, and not dead like Lin Stone. A faint sound from his room. He's happiness quickly turns back into fear. Who's in his room? We locked the door. Who could've gotten in? He was about to get up from his seat, till the door knob starts moving slowly. He quickly goes to the door and pushes on the door to keep whoever's on the other side of the door from coming outside. He's fearing for his life, pushing harder and harder against the door while sweating and crying wishing he won't die.
Some time later the person gives up and walks away. Matt waits a few minutes till he walks back in and runs to Kaylie's room. Kaylie is in the shower when she hears Matt knocking. She puts on a towel and opens the door.

[Kaylie] Matt? What now?
[Matt] Someone just tried to kill me!
[Kaylie] What?

Matt explains what happened and they quickly go get everyone back downstairs.

[Matt] Someone just tried to kill me and I need to know what you were doing.
[Pamela] I was talking to Noah.
[Peter] I was talking with my wife.
[Kaylie] Whoever is doing this clearly has a problem with us investigating the situation.
[Matt] Maybe they don't want us investigating because we are close to finding out the truth!
[Kaylie] How are we closer though?
[Matt] We we're talking about interviewing the staff! Maybe they don't want us to do that because they are a part of the staff!
[Kaylie] Possibly.. We should probably start investigating the staff.
[Matt] We need to do that as soon as possible!
[Kaylie] Can I at least go put on some clothes?
[Matt] Oh right.. yes.

Kaylie goes up stairs and puts on some clothes.
She comes back down as quick as possible.
[Kaylie] Ok, let's do this thing.
They confidently look at each other and start interviewing.

They truly are onto something, but the most horrifying part isn't over yet. It's just starting.

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