Chapter 16: The battle

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Kaylie is still pinned to the wall. She tries to move but she's too scared she'll accicentally hit the blade of the knife. Anne starts laughing again, Kaylie kicks her. Anne falls to the floor. As Kaylie tries to run away, Anne grabs her leg. She pulls her down to the floor. Anne punches her. Anne tries to cut her with a knife, but Kaylie throws the knife away from her hands and kicks her in the eye. Anne turns around, trying to find a knife without seeing it, but accicentally cuts herself. Kaylie runs away, constantly looking behind her. The third time she turns around, she sees Anne running behind her. She feels an anxiety attack coming in, but keeps running.
She runs behind a corner and hides in the master bedroom. As Anne is looking for her, Kaylie runs from behind her and pushes her from her way. Kaylie almost reached the stairs, when Anne throws a knife at her and it hits her hand.
Anne walks up to her and pulls her hair. As she starts screaming, Lycia and Matt run to the stairway, while the other guests follow right behind them. Just when Matt and Lucia enter the room, Anne tries to push Kaylie down the stairs, but she grabs onto Anne's hand and they both fall down half way through the staircase. Anne pins Kaylie against the handrail. Kaylie kicks her. Anne grabs onto Kaylie and pins her on the stairs. Kaylie's hand is bleeding, but she doesn't care. This is life or
Matt runs up the soars and tries to intervene.
Anne stabs Matt in the stomach. As Matt falls down the stairs, lifeless, Lucia runs up.
She kicks Anne from the behind. She punches Lucia in the leg, making her fall on her knees. Matt falls on Pamela. As Pamela falls to the floor, she screams. She's covered in Matt's blood, while Matt's lifeless body is laying on top of her.

[Anne] Die you stupid woman!
[Kaylie] Get fricking off of me you maniac! Kaylie pulls Anne's hair and she kicks her. Anne punches Kaylie in the eye. Kaylie closes her eyes and stops fighting. As Anne thinks she's won, Lucia pulls Anne towards herself by her her hair. She holds her close, then throws her with all her power. Anne flies above the staircase, then falls and hits her head. She falls to the ground, barely alive. Pamela takes her to the living room and tapes her to the sofa. It's 6 am and they are all tired. Kaylie is bloody and weak. As Lucia tries to comfort her, she runs outside. She sees the storm has calmed down. She hears yelling from inside.

[Pamela] My phone is working! I can call the police!

Kaylie runs farther away. She stops at the shore. She sits down stares into the ocean.

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