Chapter seven: Evidence

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They stare at the knife. The knife taken from Lucia's knife collection. Only the maids had keys, so the murderer is most likely one of them. But when they hear the scream from the living room they all run downstairs. This scene, in all it's horror, plays in slow-motion in Kaylie's mind. She'd seen this before. Except with Lin she didn't know what to expect. Now she knows exactly what had happened. She dashed to the hallway, every step feels heavier and heavier, every movement hurting her more, picturing the scene she was about to stumble upon. Peter. Dead. Murdered. As a corpse. She walks down the stairs behind everyone. She's shaking. She's in fear. As they look in the living room they all scream. Peter. Dead. He was stabbed in the stomach. Lana runs up to him while screaming.

[Lana] What kind of a monster would do this?

She screams while crying over Peter.

[Matt] A cleaner. A cleaner, has done this. Ironically, making a big mess while doing so.

Kaylie pulls Matt aside and looks at him with an angry look.

[Kaylie] How can you be so insensitive? Saying that to a woman who just lost her husband!
[Matt] I'm.. Sorry, ok? This is all hard for me. Seeing two people, dead, in the duration of a few hours? It's confusing.
[Kaylie] Do you think I'm not in shock? I'm 24, I have no proper experience in life and the first time I agree to come to my boyfriends mom's party everyone suddenly dies?

She runs off before Matt can say anything. Lucia notices Kaylie and runs after her. Kaylie runs in her room with tears in her eyes and grabs a book. Lucia walks in and sits beside Kaylie.

[Lucia] You ok Karmen?
[Kaylie] What do you want?
[Lucia] Look, I know we haven't really been in good terms, but I care for you.

Lucia notices the book in Kaylie's hand.

[Lucia] What's that?
[Kaylie] It's a photo album with old family pictures. It reminds me of good old times.

She sighs.

[Kaylie] You know, I never got to see my mother. She died while giving birth to me. My dad wasn't around so I was adopted by a french-Spanish family and I grew up in Spain. They gave me the name Karmen but when I found out my mom was going to name me Kaylie I told everyone to call me that. This photo album has many pictures of my mother and her parents. I got it from my only living relative who I found at the age 19. She is my aunt Miriam. Oh how I wish she was here rights now, she's such a nice woman. She never had children of her own and I'm like her child.

Kaylie starts sobbing. Lucia hugs her.

[Lucia] I have been through some hard times too. My husband, died two years ago. Everyone thinks I poisoned him. That's not true at all, I truly loved him. He was a sweet man. I was afraid everyone would blame me for killing Lin and Peter because they already blame me for my husband's death. You and that salad bowl saved me from that reputation.

Kaylie wipes away tears and hugs Lucia tightly.

[Lucia] You know, I could help you and Matt investigate. I know these people and this house better than anyone and I think I could help.
[Kaylie] That would be nice.

They walk back downstairs and tell Matt Lucia is going to help them.
They gather all the maids in one room and take one at a time to interview.
They take Anne first.
They go into a bedroom and start asking questions.

[Kaylie] Do you know Peter personally?
[Lucia] Do you know Lin personally?
[Matt] Do you have an alibi?

Anne sighs and starts talking.

[Anne] No, I don't know them personally, and yes, I was with the chef during the murder. And Lucia never even gave me a key to the knife room!
[Matt] You seem genuine. A liar isn't that confident.

They let her go and wonder. Who could have done it? They have no idea.

Oh God, they are in for a ride.

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