Chapter ten: He's dead

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Their hearts drop when they realize; Noah is dead. It's like time stops. It's like, that horrible moment will last forever. They both scream and hug Noah. Kaylie runs to the bathroom and throws up. Lucia almost faints. Everyone runs downstairs and see the horrendous sight; Noah, with his neck sliced open. Pamela screams as she sees her dear nephew in that state. Kaylie runs outside and Lucia goes after her. Lucia sees Kaylie jumping into the water. She realises; Kaylie is trying to drown herself. She runs to the shore and jumps in the water.
The waves are splashing on her face as she's desperately trying to get to Kaylie.

[Lucia] Kaylie! Please! Dear! Come back!
[Kaylie] Why would I?
[Lucia] Because I love you! Pamela loves you! Your aunt loves you! My son loved you!

Kaylie stops and starts swimming towards Lucia. They get back on the shore and Lucia hugs her. Their clothes are all wet but they don't care. They look at the thunder for a while and then quickly run back to the house. They come back in and sit down on the sofa, not caring it'll get wet. Kaylie sobs as Lucia hugs her tightly. They all sit around the room, emotionlessly staring at each other. No one in there trusts each other, except Kaylie and Lucia. They have formed a very special friendship during this time. Matt tries to think who could've done this.

[Matt] Where were you during the murder?
[Lucia] I was with Kaylie.
[Kaylie] I was with Lucia.

Everyone is quiet. Pamela quickly stands up.

[Pamela] You stupid people! Weirdos! Just fricking solve this already! Matt Jansson! Karmen Couture! Lucia Karlsson! Just, solve this already! For Lin! For Peter! For Noah! Whoever is the murderer, show yourself, now!

They all look at her in shock. She bursts into tears. Larissa quietly sobs in her seat.

[Matt] Don't you see? We are trying! But Lucia just lost her own son and Kaylie lost her boyfriend! Calm down Pamela, sit down!
[Kaylie] Dang Matt.

Pamela looks away from him and sits down.
Everyone else stares at him. Pamela was about to go on a rant again when Matt storms off.
Lucia and Kaylie go after him. They find him in his room, crying.

[Lucia] Are you ok?
[Matt] No! Why can't I solve this? Why is it so hard? I've been to a dozen murder mystery parties and I've written multiple detective stories, why can't I do this?
[Kaylie] Because fairytale endings don't actually happen. Not every case ends with Sherlock Holmes solving the mystery.

They hugged each other, till they hear everyone screaming downstairs. They share a look and rush down the stairs. They see the horrifying view; Katarina, lifeless, laying on the floor. She wasn't stabbed. She's just, dead.
They quickly examine her and see the wine glass in her hand.
They realise; she was poisoned.

[Kaylie] The killer is changing their tactic.
[Matt] Who could've had poison?
[Lucia] We need to find out who the killer is, quick!

They truly need to hurry up.

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